Awards Management System
Samantha Machado 0947115
Supervisor: Muhammad Usman Date: 15th June 2012 Paper Code: 407008
The purpose of the project was to develop a management system for the School of Computer and Mathematic Science at AUT to handle information dealing with their Awards Event. The management system consisted of an Award Management Database that stored and handled all their Award, Presenter, Sponsor, Staff, Winner and Guest details for the event. This database was then to be linked with an Awards Website that was previously built on WordPress by another team. WordPress is a Content Management System (CMS) with an existing database.
As we started work on our project, we encountered several issues that resulted in a change in the Scope of our project. The existing website had several limitations and did not serve the purpose of our project. This required us to re-build a website using ASP.NET. Due to this, our project now consisted of building a Web-Based Awards Management System.
This report reflects upon the entire course of the project. It discusses what when wrong during the project and why changes needed to be made. It also outlines the process we used to complete the project, and the skills we gained along the way.
I would like to acknowledge and extend my heartfelt gratitude to our project Supervisor Muhammad Usman for all his time and support throughout the project. He helped and guided us all through the project; his confidence in us was extremely encouraging and motivated us to work harder.
I would also like to acknowledge my team partner Kelly Wu. I was fortunate enough to be able to work alongside her, her friendly and patient attitude helped us work well together and make this project a success.
I would also like to acknowledge Gisela, our paper coordinator who helped us a lot towards the end of our project. She ensured we were calm and had time to prepare for our final
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