Arrangement of the Clinic
The number of first year students is usually limited to 2 (it can go up to 3 depending on the day) together with a third year student. It means that there will be 3 or 4 people interviewing the patient at the same time and treatment in this arrangement.
The third year students can benefit from the support of the supervisor but hardly any suggestion from the first year students as our role in the clinic is mainly observing.
Treatment are conducted in a team setting (two to three 1st year students lead by a 3rd year student) , this will obviously compromise the confidentiality by its very own nature and that carries the disadvantage of a reduced level of privacy.
Feelings / Reaction
At first, most first year students found it overwhelming by the whole experience as we don't know what to expect. Fortunately, most third year students are friendly
Since the kitchen area is quite small, if there are more than 6 or 7 people on the day and you are the last to arrive, you will have to stand up there and pretty much do not know what to do as you are not involve in anything. You do feel quite alone in that set up. It does get better and feel more at ease as times goes by.
As the first year students are only observing and not engaging in any treatment plan. We do feel left out of the whole process and therefore we do engage in the learning process as much as we want.
I have managed to bring a small notebook to drop down the points so to make my own learning process more involve even if I do not engage in the conservation regarding the treatment principles.
If the kitchen area is larger and be able to fit all the students at once, then I am sure most students will feel more comfortable. Indeed, if the room is not a kitchen so that people will not come in and out for drink, then this will increase the level of privacy.