The subject of the interactive oral I will reflect on is elements of Colombian history in the novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. A significant historical event we covered in the discussion is the influx of Arab immigration to Colombia from the 1800s through the present. Arabs often became tradesman and businessman once they arrived in Colombia and were largely resented in Colombian society because of their general success. Before the discussion I knew very little about Colombian history, but after the discussion I have a much more nuanced understanding of cultural context as it relates to Chronicle of a Death Foretold.
This historical context we talked about in the discussion helped me to better understand the effect of the …show more content…
This being the case, when Angela Vicario accuses Santiago of taking her virginity before marriage, her entire family is furious because the honor of their family was damaged through another man asserting dominance over one of their women without their consent. The Vicario brothers want to redeem the families honor and machismo through killing the man who damaged it. The act of killing gains one honor, as is displayed in how militarism gains honor. Pablo sees the murder as a not only a way to regain his families honor, but also as a way to gain machismo for himself. García Márquez illustrates and critiques how extremely valued family honor and machismo are in Colombian society by having Pablo situate them above society’s laws and even God. When discussing their murder with Father Amador, Pablo states that they are innocent “before God and before men” because “it was a matter of honor” (49.) This suggests that honor is valued above not only the rules of society, but also the rules of God. Having this be the case raises the importance of honor in Colombian society to divine