Set from 1664- 1676 this slanting novel illustrates the life of Griet, a common maid living in Delft, as she works for the family of the city’s most renowned painter. At only the age of sixteen when she starts to work for the Vermeer family, Griet is expected to know her place and pick up her duties like second nature. The household dominated by mother and daughter alike Catharina Vermeer and Maria Thins; Griet must be quick on her feet with the help of the present maid, Tanneke. She was brought to the Vermeer household for an exceedingly specific reason, to clean her master’s studio. It doesn’t take very long after Griet’s arrival at the Vermeer home for her to turn the heads of the master painter, some of his prosperous clientele, and even the local butcher. One of Vermeer’s clients takes a specific interest in Griet; an internally disfigured man by the name of Van Ruijven takes a liking to the “wide eyed maid” and can’t help himself but to take a closer look. Over the course of Griet cleaning Master Vermeer’s studio she has found a hidden passion for the world of art with its exotic colors and dazzling lights, shifting shadows and indescribable beauty. Ultimately Griet becomes a central part of Vermeer’s work, allowing them to become closer, creating tension and ripples in the structure of the Vermeer household. Just as Griet begins to find comfort as her routine of cleaning, cooking, and looking after the children, she is requested as a model in a classic Vermeer painting for none other than the furtive Van Ruijven. Much to his dismay, Master Vermeer had no option but to take the work for his hastily growing family. She is posed looking over her left shoulder,…
This book was a really interesting it was all about politics. I tell you a story about Louis Riel. The man who harangued the crowd was the same man has urged them, the Sunday before to make this trip across the river. His name was Louis Riel. Once in Quebec, had wanted to be a priest, but the excitement of the North- West had called him back.…
"Overview", "Setting", "Literary Qualities", "Social Sensitivity", "Topics for Discussion", "Ideas for Reports and Papers". ©…
©2000−2005 BookRags, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The following sections of this BookRags Premium Study Guide is offprint from Gale's For Students Series: Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on Commonly Studied Works: Introduction, Author Biography, Plot Summary, Characters, Themes, Style, Historical Context, Critical Overview, Criticism and Critical Essays, Media Adaptations, Topics for Further Study, Compare &Contrast, What Do I Read Next?, For Further Study, and Sources. ©1998−2002; ©2002 by Gale. Gale is an imprint of The Gale Group, Inc., a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Gale and Design® and Thomson Learning are trademarks used herein under license. The following sections, if they exist, are offprint from Beacham's Encyclopedia of Popular Fiction: "Social Concerns", "Thematic Overview", "Techniques", "Literary Precedents", "Key Questions", "Related Titles", "Adaptations", "Related Web Sites". © 1994−2005, by Walton Beacham. The following sections, if they exist, are offprint from Beacham's Guide to Literature for Young Adults: "About the Author", "Overview", "Setting", "Literary Qualities", "Social Sensitivity", "Topics for Discussion", "Ideas for Reports and Papers". © 1994−2005, by Walton Beacham. All other sections in this Literature Study Guide are owned and copywritten by BookRags, Inc. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, Web distribution or information storage retrieval systems without the written permission of the publisher.…
©2000-2007 BookRags, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The following sections of this BookRags Premium Study Guide is offprint from Gale's For Students Series: Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on Commonly Studied Works: Introduction, Author Biography, Plot Summary, Characters, Themes, Style, Historical Context, Critical Overview, Criticism and Critical Essays, Media Adaptations, Topics for Further Study, Compare & Contrast, What Do I Read Next?, For Further Study, and Sources. ©1998-2002; ©2002 by Gale. Gale is an imprint of The Gale Group, Inc., a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Gale and Design® and Thomson Learning are trademarks used herein under license. The following sections, if they exist, are offprint from Beacham's Encyclopedia of Popular Fiction: "Social Concerns", "Thematic Overview", "Techniques", "Literary Precedents", "Key Questions", "Related Titles", "Adaptations", "Related Web Sites". © 1994-2005, by Walton Beacham. The following sections, if they exist, are offprint from Beacham's Guide to Literature for Young Adults: "About the Author", "Overview", "Setting", "Literary Qualities", "Social Sensitivity", "Topics for Discussion", "Ideas for Reports and Papers". © 1994-2005, by Walton Beacham. All other sections in this Literature Study Guide are owned and copywritten by BookRags, Inc. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, Web distribution or information storage retrieval systems without the written permission of the publisher.…
©2000-2007 BookRags, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The following sections of this BookRags Premium Study Guide is offprint from Gale's For Students Series: Presenting Analysis, Context, and Criticism on Commonly Studied Works: Introduction, Author Biography, Plot Summary, Characters, Themes, Style, Historical Context, Critical Overview, Criticism and Critical Essays, Media Adaptations, Topics for Further Study, Compare & Contrast, What Do I Read Next?, For Further Study, and Sources. ©1998-2002; ©2002 by Gale. Gale is an imprint of The Gale Group, Inc., a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. Gale and Design® and Thomson Learning are trademarks used herein under license. The following sections, if they exist, are offprint from Beacham's Encyclopedia of Popular Fiction: "Social Concerns", "Thematic Overview", "Techniques", "Literary Precedents", "Key Questions", "Related Titles", "Adaptations", "Related Web Sites". © 1994-2005, by Walton Beacham. The following sections, if they exist, are offprint from Beacham's Guide to Literature for Young Adults: "About the Author", "Overview", "Setting", "Literary Qualities", "Social Sensitivity", "Topics for Discussion", "Ideas for Reports and Papers". © 1994-2005, by Walton Beacham. All other sections in this Literature Study Guide are owned and copywritten by BookRags, Inc. No part of this work covered by the copyright hereon may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, Web distribution or information storage retrieval systems without the written permission of the publisher.…
The three stories to be discussed in this essay are “The Bouquet” by Charles W. Chesnutt, “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, and “Gimpel the Fool” by Isaac Bashevis Singer. It’s interesting to dissect these pieces of literature to see how they reflect the time period they were written in, by whom they were written, and if the stories they read have any abnormalities outside what is expected.…
Aroma therapy is all you need after a day's hard work. It gives you a much needed relaxation break! And we all know, candles are a must for this therapy. While we were making it, we discovered that making these beautiful candles is a therapy in itself! Plus, such candles always come in handy during Christmas and make for a lovely and aromatic decor!…
Meursault’s reactions are rarely what the reader envisions as appropriate. People feel disconnected-- disheartened and confused-- when Meursault claims his Maman’s death “doesn’t mean anything” (3). The level of indifference he feels and the actions he performs: making excuses to his boss, having lunch at Celeste’s, going to swim and a movie with Marie, all have the readers questioning Meursault’s character. This displeased feeling continues through the first half of the novel with Meursault’s uncaring and robotic behaviors of watching “families out for a walk… the local boys [going] by… the shopkeepers and the cats” (21-22). One then starts to wonder. One…
The daily scream therapy of my neighbour in the shower does not fail to act as an alarm clock every morning. This daily “alarm clock” was a good enough reason to not succumb into the pressure of calling the police. The rhythmic sound of everyone’s steps outside gave birth to the gravel, small as peas which moved beneath their feet and from it a faint dust rose, the perfume of the town. This perfume I had to get used to now, this perfume I will smell for the years to come. This foreign town was now my new home, away from all the sadness, unfulfilled relationships and the past, a town full of versatile people, some doctors, some painters, some chocolatiers and some farmers, all with big houses towering over them. A town still rich with bicycles and kids playing in the streets early in the morning, the streets filled with the aroma of bread this all felt very new to me, I was a city dweller, this made me feel great unease.…
Throughout the span of the 15th and 16th century, it is no secret that the arts, architecture, philosophy, and wars were important parts of history. One topic that is not widely talked about among European history is the importance of beauty, hygiene, and appearance standards “They were of course limited by the technology of the time and the challenges associated with disposing of the sewage and rubbish of a growing population but this does not mean that they did not try to keep themselves and their houses clean” (Tudor). There are many aspects of hygiene and appearance that were practiced in the past, but have now been changed to fit the social norms of today. Beauty and hygiene standards of today have changed and evolved compared to those…
In the novel Perfume, Grenouille is a young man who grows up never knowing a sense of belonging or family, he feels very isolated and alone most of his life and then discovers that he has an abnormal sense of smell which is very different from other human beings. Starting with the point at which Grenouille becomes aware of the essence of the “scent of a women”, his whole focus and quest becomes pinpointing and emulating this scent. It is during his drive to discover the “scent of a woman” that he becomes frustrated and obsessed and actually ends up killing young virginal woman. Ultimately Grenouille is able to re-create the “scent of a woman” and in the end his success actually spares him from the harsh punishment and death he was so sentenced to for the many young virginal women he killed along the way.…
By far, the most popular and common motif displayed within perfume advertising is that of a female model. Although it can be argued that there are more perfumes and fragrances for women, amongst most brands, and therefore more adverts for female perfumes in general, the image of woman is exploited in perfume advertising, with female nakedness becoming increasingly more common, significantly more than the image of men. ‘The typical image of the sensuous women enticingly or definitely addressing the viewer continues to be repeatedly employed in contemporary advertising, assuming the form of an ‘agent provocateur’, whose main function in ads is that of eliciting the desired emotional response in the viewer’. With the rapid development of new…
1. In Girl With a Pearl Earring, Tracy Chevalier treats us to a richly appointed portrait of intersecting faiths, fracturing family dynamics, erotic awakenings, community scandals, religious tensions, and aesthetic compromises—all filtered brilliantly through the eyes of the young narrator, Griet, whose concise, wide-eyed perspective functions much like Vermeer’s camera obscura, rendering with particularly sharp precision and subtle insight the character of seventeenth-century Delft itself. “The camera obscura helps me to see in a different way, to see more of what is there,” Vermeer muses. Discuss the way in which Chevalier’s writing style achieves a similar effect. What techniques does she use to establish the novel’s particular tone and tension, to enrich the imagery, to develop her characters’ motives, and to encourage us “to see more of what is there”? 2. In the particular emotional realm of this novel, the issue of “seeing” is central. Griet endeavors for much of the novel to manipulate all that she sees into a sort of harmony, beginning with the soup vegetables she so carefully arranges so that they will not “fight when they are side by side.” Likewise, Vermeer’s art relies upon his ability to see the universal in even the most prosaic settings. Griet’s father cannot see at all, and not coincidentally, he is perhaps the novel’s most tragic and impotent figure. What does “seeing” mean to the novel’s other characters? Is it fair to say that, of all the characters, it is Maria Thins who sees the most clearly in the end? 3. Compare Girl With a Pearl Earring to other historical novels you’ve read in recent years (e.g.: Jane Smiley’s The Greenlanders, A. S. Byatt’s Possession, Margaret Atwood’s Alias Grace, and so on). How does Chevalier's novel—focused, detailed, and tightly framed as it is—complement, complicate, and/or depart altogether from the standard themes and trappings of…
There are three demands authors tends to use in their novels, which are, “make them laugh, make them wait, make them cry.” In the novel, “Perfume”, the author, Patrick Suskind, utilizes one of the demands, “make them wait” throughout the novel by using irony. Irony (a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often a different result) is used in the novel by having the reader believe one event is going to occur but then the outcome turns to be completely different. For example, the main character murders numerous of young girls, sentenced a death penalty, then turns out to be let…