The United States from the late 1800’s to the early 1900’s was a place ripe with opportunity for reform and advancement. With a largely diverse, young population, booming industry, and new open minded leaders the United States was practically set for reform. Issues such as Women’s Suffrage, immigration, corruption, and monopolies rose to prominence in this period after years of being swept under the carpet. …show more content…
While the US economy was booming before the Progressive movement it was a result of large monopolies which choked smaller businesses and cut corners to produce goods for the vastly expanding market.
These businesses used their power to cloak their wrongdoing by paying off governmental leaders and buying out elections in their favor. Therefore, corruption ran rampant as was shown in President Woodrow Wilson’s Inaugural Address when he stated, “Our great Government we loved has too often been made use of for private and selfish purposes, and those who used it had forgotten the people.” (Doc.
Promises of a better life and abundant jobs brought millions of immigrants to the United States. While it expanded the workforce and strengthened the economy, this influx of immigrants also led to many problems in large cities. As was stated in How the Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis when he says, “The new tenements that have been recently built, have been usually as badly planned as the old, with dark and unhealthy rooms, often over wet cellars, where extreme overcrowding is permitted.” (Doc. 1)
Living in extremely close proximity, disease ran rampant in the slums and poor planning led to many tenements being built very poorly and in hazardous locations.
Just as American settlers fought for representation in Parliament in the Revolutionary War suffragists fought for representation in the US government through women’s suffrage. While women in other nations across the world were being allowed the right to vote American women were still withheld their constitutional right as citizens of the United States. Before the Progressive Movement began women had been fighting for suffrage since around 1848 when the Seneca Falls Convention occurred.
The Progressive Movement began as an idea among the people but it needed the leverage and support to make a lasting change. This leverage was supplied by the rise of Muckraking journalism which brought stories which were once covered up to the forefront of conversation. The avid work of journalists