The amount of horrific connections between the Holocaust and the Syrian civil war are countless. One similar key factor with these events is the amount of deaths. In “Refugee Blues” it states “It was Hitler over Europe, saying …show more content…
“They must die.” This can connect to the Syrian war because Syrian President Bashar alAssad tortured and killed everybody who disagreed with him. Hitler killed everybody who's religious beliefs didn't agree with his. The Holocaust ended with a total of 6 million Jews dying. In the Syrian Civil War, 250,000 Syrians have lost their life so far, and the number is only rising as the days go on. Another connection between these two events is the displacement of the citizens. In the Holocaust the Jews were taken from their homes and put into concentration camps. Syrian citizens are displaced from their homes, but aren't put anywhere as harsh as the concentration camps ran by Hitler.
These two events also share another connection. Both events were led by power hungry leaders. Adolph Hitler believed that if he killed all the Jews, he would have more power, and the world would better. The President of Syria, Bashar alAssad has taken control of his power. He's putting up a tough fight to avoid being thrown out of office. During the Holocaust, the Jews wished, planned, and dreamed of Hitler losing his power. The Holocaust and the Syrian Civil War both share a key factor between every tragic event, the impact it had on the world and others. The impact the Holocaust left on Jews is devastating. The Jewish community is still reminded of this event, and are a weaker group because of an event that ended 71 years ago. This can lead to the Jewish community having trust issues, believing that another event similar to the holocaust could happen to them. The Syrian Civil War has, and is continuing to impact their country. Everyday, somebody loses a life, a family member, property, memories, all because of the people wanting President Assad out of office, leading to this war. Both of these events will leave a permanent scar of their countries, as long as around the world that will never heal.
I believe that the Holocaust would not be able to happen again.
There's several reasons behind my statement. One reason is because after World War 1, many countries formed Alliances together. If another country or race was in great danger as the Jews were in the Holocaust, then they would receive help from an Ally. In 1933 they didn't have the type of technology we have now. This made it harder for countries to communicate with each other. Now, as a government the media could easily pass needed information on to another country asking for the assistance that's needed. The other side will argue that an event very similar to the Holocaust could happen at any given time. All that's needed is a power hungry dictator with leadership to target a weak group. Now in society, we have learned to be less prejudice to races. Countries are learning to be more open armed to other religions and races, therefore somewhat cancelling out the hate that a leader would have.
The Holocaust has impacted society in multiple ways. It changed the way some people look at Jews. It also give us citizens the fear of electing a leader in with the same intentions that Hitler had. The physical damage that the Nazis left behind can't amount anywhere near the emotional and historical damage that was left. The Syrian Civil War is still impacting Syria, and could very well impact our country. The way things are looking the war will continue for a few more years. If anything were to go wrong, the United States could get involved which would lead to much damage being done in our country. I do not see the Holocaust happening ever again in