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Chad is the fifth poorest country in the world. The country suffers from a poor economy, poor governance, a lack of infrastructure and political instability.Chad is a landlocked country in North Central Africa surrounded by Libya to the north, Sudan to the west, the Central Republic of Africa to the south, Cameroon, Niger and Nigeria to the west. The country is about three times the size of California with a population of about 9,885,561. The capital is N’Djamena. The other major cities are Abeche, Sahr and Moundou.
The north of the country is desert and mountainous. The climate is dry throughout the year with a wide range of temperature between the day and the …show more content…
While originally the focus was on providing emergency assistance, in the South and the east ,the focus has moved towards integration of the refugees with the local community, refugee self-reliance within the local community and economy and support of local development: In Southern Chad, where the security situation seems more or less stable, despite the insecurity that affects Northern CAR, the HCR will concentrate its efforts in legal assistance to the CAR refugees to achieve local integration for those who want it. To that effect, refugee identity cards will be delivered to all CAR refugees. Education campaigns regarding violence against women will continue as it is the main focus of protection efforts in Chad. Finally, depending on the security situation in Northern CAR, “go and see” visits will be organized to prepare repatriation in 2008 of those refugees who want it. Activities designed to promote refugee self-reliance and integration of social services into Chadian structures will be pursued as well as an appeal to development agencies to ensure a better participation on their part. (UNHCR Plan D’Operations 2008-2009 – Pays: Tchad.)
The Organizational Structure The UNHCR’s main mandate is the protection of the …show more content…
But the formal school model, with its fixed schedules and five-to-seven year cycle, age-related enrolments and grades, and its teacher-delivered standard national curriculum, can present a barrier in itself. Children in difficult circumstances need provision, which is flexible enough to respond to their needs, and the context in which they live, but which also leads to recognised educational achievement and further educational opportunities. While emergencies can and do increase vulnerability, there are views and experience that disasters can sometimes offer opportunities for longer-term change in terms of equality and quality of provision (INEE, 2004). A major reason for highlighting the work of Open School is that they are in-country organisations, which, as such, are able to formulate long-term policies, which are owned by the citizens of eastern Chad . There is a clear potential in Open School, in continued partnerships with other organisations, to meet the complex needs of those affected by conflict. One necessity might be to help Open School to lower its age requirement and develop materials for a younger age group, because although it has primary-age students,