AREA 1: Attack Significance (Harms)
The government does see profanity as a problem but not a significant problem. The United States has an obscenity law that prohibits any regulation or suppression of what is considered obscenity. Profanity has been a problem in today’s society as children pick up profanity from movies, music, and TV shows. Censoring profanity is a way for parents to protect their children from picking up obscene words or viewing obscene images. Many Americans are against the use of profanity in media and in public, because it’s very uncivil to displace such foul words that would cause a nuisance to others.
As stated on Geghard presentation slide 7, “Children will learn words and used them”. I agree that many of the children will learn profanity one way or another, whether it be in school or on the television. Yes, children will be exposed to profanity and obscene pictures sooner or later, but we can protect them and keep the obscenity away. By censoring media we can limit children from picking up profanity. The obscenity law does seem to arise problems with the 1st amendment for freedom of speech. Swearing is really not a big deal, considering where is used and how it’s used. According to CNN, in Middleborough Massachusetts, people voted to ban swearing in public and violators have to pay a $20 fine.
AREA 2: Attack Inherency
The government has proven that the status quo is flawed, that’s why many American are trying to ban obscenity like profanity from the media. Even with the obscenity law, there are still a lot of profanity and graphic images in the media. Obscenity is very fluently present in almost every media, such as music and movies.
The government has effectively identify the inherency in the obscenity in the media. It’s against the law to have obscene, indecent and profane broadcast, stated by the FCC (Federal Communications Commission). There is already a law that prevents obscenity to be broadcast which is