“With great innovation and leadership development to enhance a diverse cognizant membership, “Regal Marine” strives to preserve and promote an inclusive environment for its member”
2.Identify the strengths, weaknesses opportunities and treats that are relevant to strategy of Regal Marine.
*USA is the largest boating I water skiing nation in the world.
*Estimated water skiing interest doubles if it becomes Olympic event.
*None of the industries are cost efficient.
*Use for rescue and patrol(ease to use)
*Energy efficiency is considered in the design phase.
*All powerboat industries don’t cover various price ranges.
*All rich people like to spend money on worth product in spite of price.
*Excessive customer dissatisfaction due to over price and under performing boat.
*Technology and innovation accelerate n economic downturns.
*Other companies like Indmar has exclusive customization program.
*Some competitors have great supplier bargaining power and scale economies.
*Boating industry suffers during periods of economic decline.
*There were 506 deaths and more than 11,000 injured in last decade.
*Many new regulation is imposed due to bad records.
*Regal Marine had found flexible and perfect suppliers.
*Product line of 22 boats covers all range of customers.
*Close tolerance by visual inspection and defect charts.
*It differentiate through constant innovation, unique features and high quality.
*Regal has a strong economy and the repeal of he boat luxury tax on its side.
*Regal is been paying down dept and increasing market shares.
*Long term demand for the personal boat is declining.
*Competitors have developed dealer networks.
*The number competition is 300 other boat builders.
3.How would you define Regal’s strategy?
Providing luxury performance boats to customers world wide using strategy of defferenciation by constant innovation,