Okan TUR1
Ozgur USTUN2 oustun@mekatro.com R. Nejat TUNCAY2 ntuncay@mekatro.com The Scientific and Technologic Research Council of TURKEY (TUBITAK) Marmara Research Center (MRC) Energy Institute, PK.21 41470 Gebze-Kocaeli, TURKEY
Mekatro R&D, TUBITAK MRC Technology Free Zone Section B No:18 41470 Gebze-Kocaeli, Turkey
Anti-locking brake systems (ABS) are well known in the automotive industry and studied under safety heading. ABS improves vehicle safety by reducing longitudinal breaking distance. This occurs by on-off control of the wheel slip. In this study, a basic modeling approach has been introduced on a quarter car model by using ANSOFT Simplorer for the following braking modes; hydraulic braking and all electric vehicle regenerative braking concept. This paper starts with development of quarter car model (QCM). First a hydraulic ABS model is A car braking system is one of the major factor for the driving safety. The introduction of the AntiLock Braking Systems has contributed to improve the security of modem cars decisively by automatically controlling the brake force during braking in potentially dangerous conditions such as braking on iced or wet asphalt, panic braking, etc. . . [1]
ABS, Electric vehicle, Quarter Car Model
applied to the QCM.
Later modification of
permanent magnet (pm) brushed dc machine model for field weakening region is introduced.
Electric or hybrid electric vehicles propose not only better fuel economy and less environmental pollution but also superior performance of braking, traction control and stability control systems employing motoring and regenerative braking capability of electric machines.
Finally this model is applied to QCM to investigate regenerative braking performance of electric vehicles by means of ABS.
2-Quarter Car Model