To provide the best, most consistent and unique service and food to local and international guest while
Vision Statement
To become the world’s leading hospitality hub and to create a new kind of hospitality feature to create more awareness for culture.
Economic Impact
The Reggae Gold ship that will be developed in the waterfront area will have a lot of economic Impact attributes. Economic base in the business dictionary states that economic attempt to show how wealth and unhealthy a country are area is. It is what’s circulated in and around the communities nearby, it assign resources that are scarce and have numerous alternative uses, such as the, land use area of waterfront, economic arises to deal with human needs …show more content…
The Waterfront area is already a beautiful place, the scenery is breathtaking and not a lot of persons get to see this because of the stigma that is attached to the area. The Reggae Gold ship will not only bring more revenue to the area but also enhance its physical beauty. Being that there is an expectation of having not only local guests but international as well it is expected to really flourish.
Cultural awareness helps with communication, in terms of understanding gestures, sign and gets to really understand and see how others think. Some of the visitors and locals that will be in the area will be lucky to see, feel and share experiences with each other base on the cultural difference; the cultural difference is where the beliefs and world views differ from our own. Both tourist and local have current experiencing in cultural; these might be dress, food and festivities, which are vital aspect of ingredients that comes with travelling to waterfront and on the reggae gold. However, not all the times these culture benefits will be effective, it can cause the violation of persons space, rights, practice and will get both party …show more content…
There are various steps that we have to put in place to protect and nurture the culture and environment of waterfront. Some of these step for protecting the environment, are as follow: the developers have to take into consideration the 7 R’s of recycling; such as reduce, reuse, refuse, recycle, repair, rethink and respect. Another step to protect the environment the developers of Reggae Gold at times will have use walk/cycle mode of transportation that can be done to stop the pollution of the area. To facilities the area the ship will be sound proof to reduce the noise pollution on the