Kapuas Palace Hotel, Pontianak, Indonesia, May 16 -19 , 2011
Mailda Alfriska, Sri Harryani meldha@hotmail.com, sri.harryani@yahoo.com
Accounting Department
Faculty of Economics, Gunadarma University
South Jakarta, Indonesia
Regional Development Banks (BPD) as one of the banks that exist in the national banking system has a function and a significant role in the context of regional economic development because BPD is able to open service network in areas where that is not economically possible for private banks. This study aims to determine whether the role of Regional Development Banks (BPD) in the regional economy when viewed from the CAR, ROA, and BOPO. Data analysis methods used are Paired Two Sample T test. The results show that the ROA, CAR, and BOPO namely significant (greater than 0.05) so that there is influence on the regional economy BPD.
Keywords: Regional Development Banks, Financial Performance, Economic Activities
The financial crisis that hit Indonesia in mid
1997 resulted in the weakening of the rupiah and not only resulted in financial crisis, but also resulted in political crises, security even in moral crisis. Therefore, economic growth becomes unstable. The
Bank is one institution that acts serve the interests of the public economy. Thus the management seeking bank carefully and professionally because if the management is wrong in the community who will be harmed. Regional Development Banks (BPD) as one of the banks that exist in the national banking system has a function and a significant role in the context of regional economic development because BPD is able to open service network in areas where that is not economically possible for private banks.
Regional Development Banks (BPD) as holders of local finance, which has been provided for in the
References: Fachrudin. 2006. ”Perbandingan Efisiensi Bank-bank pembangunan daerah dan th Kapuas Palace Hotel, Pontianak, Indonesia, May 16 -19 , 2011 Hasan, Amir. 2007. “Analisis Produktiviti Kerja Kewengan Bank Pembangunan Nandasari,Ikhwana. 2009.” Penyelesaian Kredit Macet dengan Hak Tanggungan