| | | |Processes | |
|Cerebrum | the anterior portion of the|Determining Intelligence, |Vision, muscle coordination,|Eyes, ears, smiley face, |
| |forebrain and is superior to|Determining Personality, |happiness, movement, |thermometer |
| |other brain structures such |Producing and Understanding |hearing, bodily sensations | |
| |as the pons, cerebellum and |Language, interpretation of |(touch temperature, and | |
| |medulla oblongata. |Sensory Impulses, Motor |pain), problem solving | |
| | |Function, | | |
|Frontal lobe |Most anterior part of the |Controls emotional response |Movement, reasoning |Legs, arms, question marks |
| |brain, right behind the |and expressive language, | | |
| | |consciousness (what we’re | | |
| | |doing in our environment) , | | |
| | |memory and motor skills | | |
|Parietal lobe |The dorsal superior part of |integrate