Results are reported in grade year and month.
His scores were as follows:
Baseline Testing: 5.7,
Mid Year Testing: 6.1
Post Testing: 7.5
Talon's classmates had an average grade equivalent of 9.0.
Talon's National Percentile Rank on 9/30 was 17 and on 3/2 was 33.
Talon's Independent Reading Level on 9/30 was 5.6 and on 3/2 was 6.8 …show more content…
Talon's Reading Growth Percentile was 31 as compared to his grade level peers with a median score of 31.
Part B of Gates/McGinitie
On this portion of the Gates/McGinitie, I asked Talon to read from a text that has a measured lexile of 1140 or 8th grade. The entire article has 565 words. Reading orally, Talon was able to read 110 words with only two errors. Although his reading was relatively clean, he was clearly nervous. His results showed a lack fluency. He read haltingly taking on two or three words at a time. This is typical of students who have comprehension or retention issues, but when asked questions from the text, Talon responded appropriately, earning a score of 5/5.
When asked if he was nervous, Talon wiped his hands repeatedly and responded, "Yeah, ! I don''t want you to think I'm stupid."
I asked him why he was doing so poorly in English, math and science, and he said," I do listen; I just don't take notes or do any homework, but I know a lot more than some teachers think I