These motorists are not convincing they are dangerous because the governments are not interfering with their careless behaviors. Only a few states are taking action to fines these drivers who are ignoring these safety warnings. For example, New York was the first state to ban motorists from using their cell phone while driving. In the state of New York, drivers that are found guilty of talking or texting behind the wheel, they will automatic fine a $150 violation fees and penalty of two points under the distracted driving handheld law. Many countries and cities in Europe are banning cell phones while driving and are persecuting drivers who are violating the cell phone laws.
Some legislators introduce a number of bills to regulate these foolish drivers; apparently, those bills were rejected because most lawmakers do not think it is required. For example, Gary Biller the president of National Motorist Association (NMA) claimed the laws banning cell phone use while driving is not necessary. According to the NMA, talking and texting while driving are already covered by existing distracted-driving laws. It would be more productive, he said, to invest resources in campaigns that discourage careless driving in general. Mr. Biller