Laurie Fishman, CRNP
University of Phoenix
HSN-548 Role of the health care/Nursing Educator
Emily Piercy, RN, MSN,
October 30, 2006
Regulatory and Accreditation: The effects on nursing faculty
Regulatory agencies and accreditation bodies have held a part in the nursing community for many years. The regulation of nursing began as a simple registry process to protect both nurses and the public alike. Today, the primary purpose of regulation is still the protection of the public, but also relates to defining nursing practices as well as nursing education (Flook, 2003). The roles that regulatory agencies play in the nursing educational setting are many. In order to understand exactly what function any of the participating regulatory or accrediting committees has, a simple definition needs to be understood.
A regulatory agency is empowered to create and enforce rules or regulations that carry the full force of the law. The ultimate goal of nursing regulation is to protect the public from harm (Flook, 2003).Regulatory agencies are in many aspects of life, not just nursing. Some familiar names are the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). There are many agencies in the healthcare community that regulate areas within nursing education.
Accreditation is a voluntary, self-regulatory process by which non-governmental associations recognize educational institutions or programs that have been found to meet or exceed standards and criteria for educational quality (Barnum, 1997). Accreditation also assists in the further improvement of the institutions or programs as related to resources invested, processes followed, and results achieved. An accrediting organization evaluates and judges institutions to testify to the institution's achievements (Barnum, 1997). Several accrediting agencies in nursing education include the National League for Nursing Accrediting
References: Barnum, B. (1997, August 13). Licensure, certification, and accreditation, Online Journal and Issues in Nursing, Retrieved October 23, 2006, from Exstrom, S. (2001). The state board of nursing and its role in continued competency [Electronic version]. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 32(3), 118. Flook, D. (2005). The professional nurse and regulation [Electronic version].Journal of Perianesthesia Nurisng, 18 (3), 160. National League for Nursing. (2006). Retrieved October 25, 2006 from http// National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission. (2002). Retrieved October 24, 2006 from National Council of state Boards of Nursing. (2006). Retrieved October 26, 2006 from