The major regulatory body Internal Revenue Service, also known as the IRS, has a function of enforcing all the internal revenue laws. Each taxpayer including companies, do have a responsibility to pay their taxes, and the IRS is there to help with that.
The major regulatory body Securities and Exchange Commission, also known as the SEC, has a function of regulating the securities market. The SEC is there to make sure all public companies follow the general accepted principles of accounting.
The major regulatory body Financial Accounting Foundation, also known as FAF, has a function of creating standards for financial accounting. They are responsible for the standards created for nongovernmental, and state and local levels.
The major regulatory body Financial Accounting Standards Boards, also known as FASB, has a function of developing accounting standards that are in the best interest for the public. They are there to also improve accounting standards.
The major regulatory body Governmental Accounting Standards Board, also known as GASB, has a function of generating general accepted accounting principles for the state and local bodies of government. They enforce codes and have guides for implementing the standards.
The major regulatory body Federal Accounting Standards Advisory Board, also known as FASAB, has a function of producing the general accepted accounting practices.
The major regulatory body International Accounting Standards Board, also known as IASB, has a function of creating the global general accepted accounting practices. They work with countries to create the GAAP.
The major regulatory body Public