As a society we have many laws, and individuals departments that enforce those laws. There are criminal, civil, contract, family, constitutional, common, and labor laws, criminal law handles crime and civil law handles most of the other laws mention above. With labor laws handle by the U.S Department of Labor also known as DOL administers and enforces over 180 federal laws that are for just the workplace, and those laws are in place for the protection of employers and their employees (DOL, n.d.)
In any organization the Human Resource department has to perform and act under legal and safety laws as well as regulations requirements (Administrator, 2012). This is done to avoid any law …show more content…
suits against the organization, those that provide the laws and regulation are department of homeland security, US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the American with Disabilities Act of 1990, and of course the US department of Labor (Administrator, 2012). We have these laws to keep managers from termination a person’s employment without cause, from mistreatment of the employee, or not offering employment to a person just based on who they are (Administrator, 2012). Human Resource works by having managers to hire employees, offer wage and benefit packages, handle job performance and review of employees, they are involve with termination, providing employee safety, preventing discrimination, and sexual harassment (Administrator, 2012). Most Human Resource departments have several staff members who handle different aspects of all the jobs that are involved within the department.
When dealing with safety employers have to make sure that their employees privacy rights are followed as well as the rules when hiring individuals of a certain age group (Administrator, 2012).
It also means making sure employees are not threaten, be on the lookout for illness, and injury (Administrator, 2012). Workplace safety is regulated and supported by workers compensation laws which are handled at a state level, and the Occupational Safety and Health act of 1970 which is handled on a federal level (Administrator, 2012). Workers compensation is a law that helps employees if they are injured or become sick due to work or at work, and OSHA is specific on the work environment guidelines and aspect (Peterson, n.d.). If an employer does not follow OSHA rules they can endanger their employee’s lives, which can lead to a civil suit, criminal charges, or both (Administrator, 2012). Following the rules should be the obvious this to do, but sometime making the company you work for happy over rides caring for others. This makes people wonder if “Common sense and compassion in the workplace has been replaced by …show more content…
Common sense is when a person has sound practical judgment that is independent of specialized knowledge; Compassion is when you feel sympathy or sorrow for someone else who could be suffering; litigation is to litigate or lawsuit (, 2013).
I do not know how much I agree with this statement or how much I disagree with it. I have been with organization that has individuals who have no common sense, but compassion for some, and I know of a place where they are more concerned with litigation over all else. They are more concerned about getting rid of the people who care about the company, its product, and the people who work for the organization. I have seen how those that do not think like upper management are guided out and paid off to keep them from mentioning the practices of the organization, they did not place the employee in jeopardy, but they did not have certain employee best interest at heart, and those in Human Resource who handles the exit of terminated employee’s do nothing about the types of reason people are leaving. It is more about keeping their jobs over the over morale of the organization and its people. I guess after reviewing what I have stated I would have to say that common sense and passion are what is missing in the workplace, people can no longer be sick and miss days without the worry of losing their job. This promotes an unhealthy work place environment, because one sick person pass on their illness to others, and instead of
offering compassion you have some bosses that put pressure on employees for fast returns even if they are still sick, or the process a person goes through to get workers compensation benefits, or even disability benefits. Litigation is involved in all aspects of employment even the laws set up to protect the employees. If we offered more compassion in the work place it would promote happier employees for an organization, gets better team work and good working relationships. As my sister always tells me common sense is not always common.
Peterson, J. (n.d.). What Are Various Employment Laws Which Affect HR Decisions & Action. In ehow. Retrieved December 23, 2013, from
Summary of the Major Laws of the Department of Labor. (n.d.). In U.S. Department of Labor. Retrieved December 23, 2013, from
US Human Resource Practice and Effects of Legal, safety and Rugulatory Requirements (2012, May 14). Retrieved December 23, 2013
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