Organisation of Commerce and Management XI XI
Introduction –
Now it becomes necessary to give formal, traditional, recent education in
Commerce and Industry along with practical knowledge so as to enable the students to have good understanding of the basic concepts of globalised world and its relationship with the society.
Council of Boards of School Education in India ( COBSE) has taken the responsibility of bringing out ‘Common contents in commerce’ at + 2 stages of secondary level. It is a dynamic process that brings together technology, natural resources and human initiative in a constantly changing global environment.
Information Technology is becoming a part of educational operations.
Computerized systems are fast and replacing other systems. This curriculum will prepare students to analyse, manage, evaluate and respond to change which affects seriously. It provides a way of looking at and interacting with the business environment.
This syllabi introduces 80-20 pattern of evaluation. Comprising 80 marks
Theory and 20 marks practical being need of the time, practical approach is introduced. After doing a comparative study of syllabi of different Boards like
C.B.S.E, ICSE, regarding their syllabi at + 2 level, this curriculum is prepared which shows common contents in commerce at national level. The suggestions and recommendations received from various Boards regarding commerce subjects are considered in this curriculum. It allows students to appreciate that business is an integral component of society and develop an understanding of many social and ethical issues. Besides, it also informs students of a range of study and work options and bridge the gap between Secondary and Higher secondary education.
General Objective:
To develop student’s understanding of the
Processes of business and its environment.
To acquaint with students the dynamic nature and inter - dependent aspects of