(Alan Johnson aids his friend to help overcome a tragic loss during events on 9/11)
September 11, 2001 the United States of America was attacked and left devastated. "I was in the left hand lane with my windows closed. I did not hear anything at all until the plane was just right above our cars. I estimated that the plane passed about 20 feet over my car, as I waited in the left hand lane of the road, on the side closest to the Pentagon. The plane clipped the top of a light pole just before it got to us, injuring a taxi driver, whose taxi was just a few feet away from my car. I saw it crash into the building," Father Stephen McGraw said. Airliners were hijacked by terrorists and flown into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in New York leaving the families of the victims awe in silence. Years later, I, Alan Johnson, a tall dark African American dentist, will attempt to help my old dental-school roommate, Charlie Fineman, whose family was aboard one of the flights which crashed into the World Trade Center. Charlie is distraught and lost, and I will do what is power to help him find his way.
Similar to Charlie, I too also have had difficulties at the office and at home. For instance, I decided to open up my own small dental practice with a few partners which have been very rewarding for all of us. Today at the office, I found myself in a delicate situation with one of my patients and eventually had to ask her to leave and to have her find another dentist. I do not understand why I continually get entangled in treating these kind people everyday of my life when in fact fixing their teeth is the least thing my patients should be worried about. Therefore I decided to take the rest of the day of and started to head for home. While waiting for the dreadful traffic light to turn; I noticed my old dental-school roommate walking out of a hardware store carrying paint. I yelled to him, “Charlie Fineman,” and received no response. It was indeed
Cited: Fig.1. 9/11 Pictures. (http://256.com/gray/thoughts/2001/20010912/pictures/) Date Viewed: 4/23/2008. Inspire Foundation, What is a Good Friend. 30 June 2007. Online. Internet. Inspire Foundation. Access Date: April 08. http://www.reachout.com.au/default.asp?ti=2794