Reimbursement and Pay-for-Performance are at the heart and soul of every health care organization. Without money coming in there is no way to pay for the services in which are offered to the individuals that need them. The individuals that need the services are required in one way or another to provide payment for these services. Individuals’ chose the health care coverage needed and than the insurance companies develop plans to fit needs to the people. The insurance or reimbursement organizations provide the payments to the providers for health care received. This paper will define pay-for-performance, reimbursement and how this affects pay-for-performance, how organizational costs reductions impact the quality and efficiency of health care, the affects on health care providers and customers from pay-for-performance and finally the future of health care and the effects of pay-for-performance.
Pay-for Performance has become a widely used term and will be expanded upon during the implementation of The Affordable Care Act. Pay-for Performance was designed to offer incentives to health care providers to optimize the delivery of health care to their patients. This plan was designed and developed with improving delivery of health care by rewarding the providers who reduced unnecessary health care services, improved quality of patient care, and reduced health care costs. Providers are offered lump-sum payments for certain ailments that require certain follow-up visits, incentives for healthier patient statistics, and rewarded for improved performance over the year before. Pay-for-performance will continue to become a key term in shaping of the health care system in the future because this plan will hold the providers accountable to improving the quality and efficiency of health care and provide more opportunity for other providers to have an impact as well. Pay-for-performance has become popular among