This will bring them up to date regarding the current situation. As mentioned, Dr Amy Khor, the senior minister of state, reported the recognition of the need to include private clinics in the reimbursement schemes to increase usage of healthcare in the private sectors. We will email and arrange for short sessions with the Minister of Health and of State. These are the ministers involved in decision making within the MOH. Also, we will arrange to meet with the board of members of CPF as we are planning to advocate for reimbursement through citizen’s CPF which is managed by them. We will include the parallels in benefits of reimbursement with what the WCPT is advocating for
This will bring them up to date regarding the current situation. As mentioned, Dr Amy Khor, the senior minister of state, reported the recognition of the need to include private clinics in the reimbursement schemes to increase usage of healthcare in the private sectors. We will email and arrange for short sessions with the Minister of Health and of State. These are the ministers involved in decision making within the MOH. Also, we will arrange to meet with the board of members of CPF as we are planning to advocate for reimbursement through citizen’s CPF which is managed by them. We will include the parallels in benefits of reimbursement with what the WCPT is advocating for