It has well been said that relapse begins days, weeks, months or even years before an individual actually returns to drinking and or using. If you remember that recovery and sobriety are much more than just not drinking or using then this makes all the sense in the world. Sobriety and recovery are more than not using. Recovery is a new lifestyle – a lifestyle of being responsible, of doing the right things. Christ-centered recovery is a happy life filled with the freedom to do what is right. Certain areas of your life that need to experience changes have been pointed out concerning people, places and things. You will experience a personal change as you continue your life in recovery. These changes are good and these changes are necessary. These changes will include placing and keeping your priorities in the right order, being on time, being faithful, having fun and having the right outlook on life among many other positive aspects of recovery. You do not want to lose your recovery. Christ-centered recovery is much too good a life to lose and you are well aware of how horrible a life of active addiction is. You do not want to return to a life of active addiction but those of you who have relapsed know just how it will all of a sudden seem to have happened. This is not the case. There are warning signs that relapse has occurred and that active addiction (using) is just around the corner. These warning signs will present themselves. You have to train yourself to recognize them and get your life back on the right path – the path of recovery, before you slip back into active addiction. Let’s take a look at these warning signs, get an understanding of just how you can be aware of them and what you need to do to get back on the path of recovery.
Warning Signs
o Complacency
Key Verse – 2 Samuel 11:1 “It happened in the spring of the year, at the time when kings go out to battle, that David sent Joab and his servants with