The concept of transformational leadership, which is a constituent of Bass and Avolio’s “full range leadership theory”, is one in hundreds of the most world-wide researched paradigms in the fields of leadership and have showed material accuracy for assigning probability to a number of outcomes including leader performance and productiveness rating in addition to follower gratification and stimulation. Transformational leaders act as advisers to their followers by giving them hope, strength, and also providing stimulation and also encouraging learning. They provide meaning, act as their idols, provide stampedes, get rid of emotions, and foster a climate of trust. There are five measurements of transformational leadership which are; attributed, behavioural, individual consideration, inspiration motivation, and knowledgeable motivation. Transactional leadership contains three elements/factors which best describe it; reward through contingency, management by exception (both active and passive). Reward …show more content…
through contingency means the degree that a leader works according the economic and emotional transfer principles with followers. The leader clarifies out clear goals and what is expected from the followers. Active management-by-exception is the extent to which a leader actively monitors followers for mistakes and tries to correct them. Passive management by exceptions refers to leaders who wait for mistakes to occur and after those mistakes occur they come in to correct the mistakes. In terms of psychological factors, transformational leadership had been associated with high levels of traits Extraversion (Bono and Judge, 2014). Emotional intelligence can be thought of as “the set of abilities (verbal and non-verbal) that enable a person to generate, recognize, express, understand, and evaluate their own and others’ emotions in order to guide thinking and action that successfully cope with environmental demands and pressures” outlined by Van Rooy and Viswesvaran in 2004.
In order for an organisation to excel, their needs to be different posts which must work together. Leaders are one of the most important parts of an organisation and mostly the reason for the downfall of an organisation. They are the ones who normally ensures that employees or their followers are inspired and are able to through challenges confidently. Different people have different characteristics and various strengths and weakness and thus leaders are no different. They all come in different shapes and sizes and thus prefer doing things in a certain way. Transactional leadership which is identified by an exchange between the leader and followers. Fundamentally, it uses mostly rewards and punishments approach. Transformational leadership which is characterized according to the connection between the leader and followers. Innovation and vision are one of the most valued characteristics of this kind leadership style. Both leadership strategies may be evident however, it might happen that one uses both styles without choosing only one. Transactional leaders focus on routine while transformational looks at initiatives that add value. In most cases, transactional leaders are good at handling all the details and address small operational details as well as keeping employees productive. Whereas if an organisation requires new strategies, transformational leadership may be effective. Transactional vs Transformational Leadership according to James MacGregor, transactional leadership are leaders who give compensation or remuneration regarding the work done by followers and their loyalty whereas a transformational leader puts his/her focus on the needs of the followers and how to specific outcomes and new ways can be achieved. Exchanging gratification is one other important characteristic of transactional leadership which simply means there are leaders and followers. Tasks are set for employees and they need to follow them accordingly while the leader will monitor and ensure that the tasks are completed. However, if one needs transformation, transactional leadership will not work. Thus transformational leadership will ensure that everyone understands the change that is with the organization and able to inspire them to ensure that the change is implemented effectively. Gender plays a role in whether one becomes a transformational or transactional leader as well as age.
Human Service Organizations relating to Transformational Leadership
Human Service Organizations have a tool to measure how leaders behaves themselves, which is called “The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ)” which is an instrument usually or mostly used by nurses and social workers employed in hospitals. Social workers are the ones that induce the link between the effectiveness of a leader and transformational behaviours. The main question employed was “HOW LEADERS PERCIEVED THEIR STYLES AND EFFECTIVENESS”? There are too many answers to this question but the general conclusion to this; overall, leaders are classified as more transformational than transactional in their leadership style. There is a strong relationship that exists between positives leader outcomes and perceived transformational leadership style. When we use contingent reward, we can conclude that transformational characteristics correlate strongly with leadership success.
Defining Christian Transformational Leadership
This is a type of leadership(transformational) which is a major leadership theory where a Christian leader, most simply, edge to influence (or change) followers on the basis of his or her own vision and expectations.
This theory of Christian Transformational leadership is a theory, which goes along with a popular known secular leadership theory. This theory on its own incorporates several Christian leadership theories; these include connective leadership, courageous leadership, relation leadership, servant leadership, and spiritual leadership. There is no conclusion as to the definition of Christian Transformational Leadership but a couple of ideas has arouse to the picture as to secular Transformational leadership which best describes Christian Leadership as transforming people or followers to spiritual leaders, and a second approach come to existence that seemed that a person might seek archetypal model of