and more sinister. While Dr. Jekyll stayed Dr. Jekyll of many years. But when Dr. Jekyll turns into Mr. Hyde it’s like he’s unconscious in his body and barely awake in mind. He’s trap inside of himself when Mr. Hyde takes over. Dr. Jekyll would wake up as Mr. Hyde involuntary and Dr. Jekyll is losing control of his former self. Mr. Hyde feared being cut off from Dr. Jekyll. He burned letters and stuff of Dr. Jekyll. In Dr. Jekyll confession he says it’s going to be his last writing, last state of mind of thinking on his own as his true self. Is Dr. Jekyll forever going to be asleep inside Mr. Hyde and won’t transform back. I wonder if Mr. Hyde will kill himself one day even though death scares him. His experiments prove what he says because Dr. Jekyll had a witness who saw him transform back into Dr. Jekyll from Mr. Hyde. Mr. Hyde enjoys being rough, mean and likes killing and after doing the bad deeds when Mr. Hyde changes back to Dr. Jekyll he cried of remorse. The duality of nature could be extremely hard for someone. You might one day want to a good citizen and help others out. Then the next day someone might have been rude and ugly to you therefore you want to act the same back to someone else. Like people say treat others you want to be treat and you might just do that. Everyone battles with themselves inside on what choices to make and how they should do it.
and more sinister. While Dr. Jekyll stayed Dr. Jekyll of many years. But when Dr. Jekyll turns into Mr. Hyde it’s like he’s unconscious in his body and barely awake in mind. He’s trap inside of himself when Mr. Hyde takes over. Dr. Jekyll would wake up as Mr. Hyde involuntary and Dr. Jekyll is losing control of his former self. Mr. Hyde feared being cut off from Dr. Jekyll. He burned letters and stuff of Dr. Jekyll. In Dr. Jekyll confession he says it’s going to be his last writing, last state of mind of thinking on his own as his true self. Is Dr. Jekyll forever going to be asleep inside Mr. Hyde and won’t transform back. I wonder if Mr. Hyde will kill himself one day even though death scares him. His experiments prove what he says because Dr. Jekyll had a witness who saw him transform back into Dr. Jekyll from Mr. Hyde. Mr. Hyde enjoys being rough, mean and likes killing and after doing the bad deeds when Mr. Hyde changes back to Dr. Jekyll he cried of remorse. The duality of nature could be extremely hard for someone. You might one day want to a good citizen and help others out. Then the next day someone might have been rude and ugly to you therefore you want to act the same back to someone else. Like people say treat others you want to be treat and you might just do that. Everyone battles with themselves inside on what choices to make and how they should do it.