Hamlet’s relationship with his mother is complicated. He has a deep love for his mother, but he’s extremely angry with her for celebrating her new marriage to Claudius, instead of mourning the death of King Hamlet. Hamlet decides that a woman’s love is fickle, or easily changed. He says “frailty, thy name is woman” (Shakespeare …show more content…
Claudius represents the villain, while Hamlet is the hero. Claudius uses murder and evil acts to reach his goals. He poisoned his own brother to become king. He plots to kill Hamlet, when Hamlet challenges his authority. Claudius doesn’t show any remorse for his deeds. On the other hand, Hamlet wants to do the right thing. He wants to avenge his father’s death, but he struggles with the idea of taking a life. He feels the pull of his own conscience, but eventually kills anyway (Stockton 1).
The family dynamics in Hamlet can be compared to the dynamics in today’s families. Human nature doesn’t change that much over the years. Hamlet is a young man who has a hard time deciding between right or wrong. He loves his family, but he is struggling to become his
Mossman 3 own person. He wants to trust his friends, but he’s being pulled in two directions emotionally. In the end, he believes what he can prove and remains loyal to his father and his upbringing. Today’s teenagers face some of these same challenges in their families. They are trying to become independent, while being held back by the demands of parents and family life. They want to make the right decisions, but are often indecisive, just like Hamlet. Teenagers today don’t usually kill their family members, but there is often