At the beginning of the race, the athlete’s body is metabolising fats. Fats is the preferred energy source of some tissues including that of the heart, liver and resting skeletal muscle, as glycogen storage is conserved for times of emergencies or fast paced activities, where energy needs to be rapidly supplied. Fats are also known as lipids and are stored in the athlete’s adipose tissue. This particular storage form is more reduced than carbohydrates, and therefore, can store more energy per unit weight. The lipids used for energy storage within the athlete’s body are in the form of triaclyglycerols. The low glucose level in the blood of the athlete is the factor that contributes to the mobilization of the stored triacylglycerols, which causes the release of hormones, glucagon and adrenalin, to stimulate the release of fatty acids in adipocyte tissues by activating the enzyme traicyclglycerol lipase. This enzyme breaks down the triacylglycerols into fatty acids and glycerol, while the serum albumin transports the fatty acids through the bloodstream to deliver them to the target tissue, and ultimately into the muscle cells where the fatty acids can be oxidised. The process of the oxidation of fatty acids, β-oxidation will be discussed in depth at the 45-minute mark of the…