<br>Romeo and Juliet are very impetuous, a real sign of their youth. As soon as Romeo saw Juliet he went over to her and tried to "chat her up". Juliet responded in the same way with affection and infatuation. After having only just met, they fell in love with each other. It wasn't long before they got married, their feelings for each ohter was somewhat like "puppy love".
<br>Romeo and Juliet was written at a time when teenaged girls were getting married to other teenaged boys. THis arrangement was considered normal, and if Romeo and Juliet were older, it would have been hard for the audience of that time to empathize with their own marriages or problems and dilemmas that they have faced themselves, and furthermore would have confused the audience, if indeed there …show more content…
<br>Julieet depends a lot on her parents and especially Nurse. We see numerous times when Juliet askes Nurse for her advice and help, for instance the time when Juliet wanted to get married