This academic paper describes and analyses the term Relationship Marketing ' and Quality of Service ' delivered to the customers in a hotel business. The New Year 's Event was organized by the Pavithra Hotel to attract new customers and retain them by providing them with the best quality service. The theory relationship marketing and quality of service are analyzed with the event and specifically how the hotel has built on its relationship marketing and provided good quality of service to its customers. Some recommendations are provided as to how the hotel can improve on its marketing issues and the advantages and disadvantages of implementing these recommendations with in the industry.
According to Peppers and Rogers (2004) customers have relationships with service providers, and these relationships can be simple and straight forward, or complex and emotional (Ball, Coelho & Vilares. 2004). This journal article explores the term relationship marketing ' and quality of the service ' products. The main aim in choosing these two topics were because this particular branch of the hotel was not doing very well when newly opened but after the New Year 's event organized by the hotel which was mainly to attract more customers to build on the relationship with customers and retain customers by providing the best quality service to the customers. This, in turn would enhance the productivity of the hotel. The paper also describes the event of New Year 's Event and is related to relationship marketing and the quality of the service offered to the customers. Recommendations are provided at the end to improve these service products to suit the current industry and enhance the performance in terms of relationship marketing and quality offered. The article is developed by referring some of the scholarly journal articles and also the real life event which took place.
Background -New Year 's Event (Pavithra Hotel, Bangalore):
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