Professor Stryz
WRAC 150
2 October 2013
Relationships Healed by Writing What is a relationship? It could be classified as an intimate relationship, a sisterhood, brotherhood, friends from school, etc. But all in all a relationship is the way you interact with people in your life. Relationships are generally perceived to be something positive in one’s life; but no matter what; all relationships have problems. People argue, and naturally come into conflict with one another. Growing up I had difficulties with certain aspects of my relationships’ with friends’ and family. I can remember always having a mountain of anxiety when it came to reconciliation. Anytime I was in trouble it was a struggle for me to make an attempt to talk to whomever was upset with me. I would pace around the kitchen thinking of excuses and reasons I should wait to apologize for my actions. I wanted to be that girl who could just approach my parents and just say “I’m sorry, I know what I did was wrong.” I am as stubborn as it gets, though, so that was just not an option for me. There came a day when I knew what I could do to fix my problems caused by reluctance to face someone and reconcile. I was sitting at my brand new mahogany desk, and I had an epiphany. “If I have such a hard time saying my feelings, then why don’t I just write them,” I thought to myself. I opened up the drawer and took out a brand new number two pencil and a clean sheet of white paper. Never had I felt as comfortable with my feelings as I did when I was writing them down. It felt so natural, and everything that was bottled up in my complicated brain was now word vomit all over a piece of paper; but to me, it all made sense. I wrote about how I was sorry for lying, and that I would promise to never do it again. That day when I was eight years old, I found out something lifesaving. Writing was an escape for me, and I knew growing up it would be one of my best friends. Writing not only