SHORT ANSWER. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or answers the question. Add commas where necessary. 1) Theresa Tafoya whose grandmother was also a well-known artist has a painting on exhibit in the Museum of Contemporary Art. 1)
2) The son who lives in Bermuda does genetic research.
3) The Jacksons have two sons. The son who lives on Prince Edward Island writes novels for a living.
4) The wheel which was invented thousands of years ago is one of the most significant inventions of all time.
5) The city, where Priscilla lives, is Dallas.
Circle the correct words to complete the sentences. 6) The people with who / whom he has shared his wealth will always be grateful. 7) The man which / whom I'm talking about is the owner of a large factory outside town. 8) Mr. Perez had been a school-bus driver in a rural area which / where the roads are very narrow. 9) Marisol Perez, who / whose the school named Student of the Year, wants to study social work. 10) When she's not in school, she's at Cathy's Catering Company, which / where she works as a baker. 11) Eva Hoffman reminds me of my friend Karla, who / whose daughter Edna you met when you were here last year. 12) Language is a subject where / that I'm very interested in. 6) 7) 8)
Object Relative Pronouns 1
13) I keep the book next to my bed, when / where I read it every night. 14) I loved the book who / that you gave me.
13) 14)
Combine each pair of sentences into one sentence with an independent clause and a dependent adjective clause. Make the second sentence the dependent clause. 15) The man has agreed to take better control of his animals. His dogs have been barking all night. ____________________________________________________________
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