Written by:
Dewi Rigen Sulistini
Chapter 1
A. Background Stereotypes are generalizations about a group of people whereby we attribute a defined set of characteristics to this group. These classifications can be positive or negative, such as when various nationalities are stereotyped as friendly or unfriendly. However if talking about women stereotype about 18th century leads our mind to negative stereotype. Our mind will imagine about women supposed to be domestic mothers, be weakness, be oppressed, be controlled, get gender discriminations, be subordinated, and ideal as based on society rule. Those imagination are easy to be found in years 1840-80 time of beginning feminism wave, phase of women struggle to seek their position equal with men. In this era, gender discrimination is stronger. Statements such as men are more powerful than women or women are controlled by men, are common things. A woman should be able to do domestic role. Women do not need to get work, because they will merry and stay at home. This condition makes a stereotype that women seem weaker than men. This situation continues with the lost of women’s identity: equal position between men and women. As the resistance of the situation many writers produce literary works related with gender issues. The strong emotional impact of imaginative writing may be brought into play to increase indignation at gender discrimination and hence help to end it. Most of literary works at that time are created in order to voice women’s right, right to get and to shape their own identity. One of the writers who voice women’ right actively is Henrik Ibsen. One of his works with women theme is A Doll House. It tells us about subordinated and inequality that is felt by Nora, the main character. Her feeling of subordination appears
References: - A Script of Henrik Ibsen’s Play A Doll House - Abrams, M.H. Glossary of Literary Terms - Beasly, Chris.1999.What is Feminism?:A Introduction to Feminism Theory.London:Sage Publication. - http://changingminds.org/explanations/theories/stereotypes.htm - Josselson, R.1982.Personality Structure and Identity Status in women as viewed through early memories.Journal of Youth Adolescence.Vol.II/No.4:293-299 - Morris, Pam.1993.Literature and Feminism.Cambridge.Blackwell Publisher - Woodward, Kathryn (ed).1997.Identityand Difference: Culture, Media, and Identities.London: Sage Publications -