a) Industrial and organizational psychology;-this field focuses on ways to match employees to jobs, to train and motivate workers and to promote job satisfaction and good relationships among workers.
b) Abnormal psychology;- this focuses on the study of abnormal behavior. The study is conducted to determine, describe, predict, explain, illustrate and change abnormal patens of performance. It studies the nature of psychopathology and it causes. It is very applicable in treating the patient with psychological disorders.
c) Biological psychology;- this is the scientific study of biological basis of behavior and mental condition. Since the person’s behavior is controlled by the nervous system, biological psychologist suggested examining the way the brain operates in order to comprehend the person’s behavior.
d) We also have psychology and law;- this is also known as legal psychology. Explore the topic regarding jury decision making, eye witness memory, scientific evidence and legal policy.
e) We also have quantitative psychology;- this involves the usage of mathematical and statistical methods in psychological research and the development of statistical technique in analyzing and illustrating a behavioral data.
f) Health psychology;- the mental of applying psychological theory and studies to health, disease and health care. It is concerned with health related behavior involving healthy diet, the doctor- patient relationship, the patient’s comprehension regarding health information and viewpoint about illness.
An organization is an institution, created by society to undertake a set of tasks. Its success depends upon the knowledge, skills, and abilities of their employees. It is also through psychology that you can know the abilities of your employees well. Psychology is of relevance to business administrators or managers in the following ways. In recruiting new staff; - when recruiting new staffs, psychology helps managers to determine the characters of people from their behavior during interview. It also helps managers in designing standard interview methods. In motivation of staff; - psychology helps managers to motivate individually by analyzing every ones character. Psychology also helps managers in designing motivation programs. It also helps in training top executives to give proper motivation to their employees. Also with the help of psychology, managers are able to reduce stress. When managers learn psychology, they get to know the ways and means by which they can reduce stress at work place. It also helps them to avoid stressful situation at the work place and find relaxing alternatives. Often many are forced to work late and it has an adverse effect on the employees’ health. Here is where psychology comes to the rescue, psychologist can offer counseling and help staffs to adjust to the changes and the new environment. Hence psychology helps the organization and the employees face challenges and keeping work life smooth. Psychology improves daily communication at the work place;- by understanding psychology, managers learn to communicate effectively to his employees. It teaches managers to understand what others are saying and of course in comprehending the person’s action or gestures towards a certain condition. Psychology enriches careers: by managers knowing and understanding their co-workers, they are able to get along with them, they know where to stand and know where their co-workers are coming from and what they are going through. Psychology teaches managers how to correctly and rightfully deal with other people around them. As this condition continues occurring in a work place, it will positively enrich everyone’s career.
Psychology helps managers to design training courses: through psychology managers are able to know exactly which course their employees needs at the work place
In conclusion the above essay explains why psychology is relevant to business administrators or managers.
Lahey B. Benjamin (2001).Psychology. An Introduction. 7th edition