Sophia Fonash
Walden University Reliability and Validity Whiston (2013) has explained that reliability is the qualification for having validity. The instrument can be reliable but does not mean it is valid. However, the assessment must be reliable to be valid. Whiston (2013) stated that if the inventory can measure something consistently but it may not be measuring what the assessment is supposed to measure then it is reliable but not valid.
II. Purpose and Nature of the Instrument A. Stated purpose: The purpose of the MDI-C is to process and evaluate the depression in children and adolescents. The instrument is to assist in making a diagnosis of depression in youths. The assessment is not for the very young as it is set at a second grade reading level. The MDI-C can be used to evaluate the progress of treatment plans and gauge the progress of the client. B. Description of test, items, and scoring: The MDI-C consists of 79 items that will produce a score, which “measures global severity of depression” (Furlong & Chung, 2000, p. 72) in children from 8 -17 years of age. The assessment maintains eight subscales, which are anxiety, self-esteem, sad mood, instrumental helplessness, social introversion, low energy, pessimism, and defiance (Furlong & Chung, 2000). The MDI- …show more content…
Reliability: There are 1,465 subjects in the normative sample, maintaining subscale alphas that “ranged from .70 (Low Energy) to .85 (Sad Mood), with a Total score alpha of .94” (Furlong & Chung, 2000, p. 74). There are less positive results for the internal consistency with the scales when evaluating the three age groups. The two age groups 8 – 11 and 14 – 17 year olds of the eight subscales six had alphas lower than .80 (Furlong & Chung, 2000). However, the Total score for the MDI-C possesses the internal consistency at .92 - .94 (Furlong & Chung, 2000). In the end, the MDI-C does assess and measure the emotional experiences of