-The sacred texts of Islam, the Qur’an and the way of the Prophet Muhammad (sunna) as found in the hadith, are fundamental to Islam.
-Qur'an is the fundamental text for all Muslims
-It contains the revelation of Allah, complete and unaltered as revealed to the Prophet Muhammad
-Qur'an is organised into 114 Surahs or chapters
-Hadith refers to the collection of traditions of the words and deeds of Muhammad
-The Qur'an sets out clear paths for Muslims to follow in their desire to submit to Allah
-The Qur'an refers to Islam as 'the path of peace' → importance of reconciliation; Allah is disturbed by violence.
-Sharah Law: 'path to the watering hole' -guidance. Refers to the 5 basic human rights: freedom of mind, speech and thought; freedom to own property; freedom to reproduce; right to life; right to lead a physically and emotionally healthy life
-The mission of the Prophet Muhammad is one of peace and mercy to humankind. (21:107)
-The tradition of the Prophet Muhammad affirms "Allah grants to ifq (gentleness) what he does not grant to unf (violence)” (Hadith4/255) referring to the idea that 'reconciliation is the best' (4:128) and those who are gentle will be rewarded.
-"As-Salamu-Alaykum" -Peace be with you.
-"Dar a' Salaam" -house of peace → Society
Principal teachings about peace in Islam
-True peace can only exist where there is justice
-The word Islam itself comes from the Arabic words for peace selm and Salam
-prophets and The Prophet Muhammad- model peace and give guidance
-Muslims can engage themselves only in a defensive, not in an offensive war, whatever the circumstances
-According to Islam, peace is the rule and war is only an exception
-In the situation of a defensive war if the likely outcome does not warrant the conflict Muslims should avoid the war
-Jihad literally means to strive or to struggle
-Jihad is a central teaching of Islam but is not synonymous for war
-Jihad can,