1. What does the Catholic Church teach us about life after death?
Catholic tradition teaches us that life after death is a deceased person that is raised from death to a new eternal life with God. Catholics believe that although the body has died, something in us lives on. At the moment of death, is when the soul is separated from the deceased and is no longer within the body. The body then begins to fall apart and left on its own to decompose. However the soul is everlasting and will never cease to exist, once death occurs the soul of each person will be judged by God for eternal life or hell. For those souls that are dammed to hell, the soul will immediately experience hell, however if the soul is judged to go to heaven, it will experience the fullness of heaven straight away. The soul that is sent to heaven will still have an attachment with sin; in spite of this the soul will receive purgatory which is determined by God, it’s an opportunity to grow in the love of God. The Catholic Church defines purgatory purification or cleansing to have the necessary holiness that is required to enter heaven and have everlasting life with God. The book of Revelation (21:27) tells us “Nothing unclean will enter heaven” however, all human beings will have and will also die of imperfection in them, this would make our soul unworthy of heaven, hence the need for purification which the church calls purgatory. Purgatory is God’s way of purifying us from all the sins and from the attachment of effects that sins have caused from the human being, purgatory is God’s way of cleansing us from any of our imperfections so we can fully enjoy heaven and eternal life with God, the catholic church also teaches us that prayers help with the cleaning and purification of sins. This purification is very necessary, the Catholic Church teaches us that nothing unclean will enter heaven and be in the presence of God. When a soul dies it undergoes a particular or individual judgement. In