CA 18 – Canonical Age of Marriage
Process 1. Courtship – 3 months- 1 year * 35 – 40% 2. Dating – cultivate love (2 yrs) * 50 – 65% * Fall back 3. Engagement / Bethrothal – 1-2 yrs * 98% * 2% - reserve for him 4. Marriage - Family
Church Teachings 1. CCC, 1603 – God Himself is the author of marriage * sacred 2. Code of Canon Law, 1055 – the sacrament that makes the people of God his co-creator and nurturer of life
1056 – unity/indissolubility – essential characteristic * Co-creator and nurturer of life * Husband and wife share one love (unitative love)and procreative love * Indissolubility – only the death of one partner can make marriage null and void 3. Vat. II, Gaudium et Spes, 50 * Married couples should regard their mission to transmit human life and to educate their children 4. CFC, 512 – married couples must have their own path of holiness
Holiness – by having a faithful love 5. Family Consortio, 83 * The Church and society should do all they can to preserve marriage
Characteristics * Marriage is a Covenant * Both parties should give to each other unconditional love unconditional love – a love that lasts forever
- Freely given - no string attached
* Marriage as Sacrament – marriage is a special sign of God’s Love
Purpose of Marriage 1. To develop husband and wife as Christian 2. To procreate and raise new people 3. To proclaim the message of Jesus
1. A relationship of indissoluble love 2. Increase of sanctifying grace 3. Help for married couples to become better Christian
Sacrament of Matrimony
Matter: Ring
Minister: Bride and Groom
Formula: I, N take you N… be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, I will love you and honor you all the days of my life