Religion creeps into and influences the society of America. America is the most diverse and democratic country of the world with 1st amendment of the constitution prohibiting congress from passing any law that would establish any religion in the state, but the traditional-deism of Americans has changed the meaning of law in its entirety. I am going to illustrate this point by examining the influence of religion on culture, politics, and sports.
American culture and history was shaped by the influence of religion. "God in America” stakes that one cannot tell the history of America without telling the religious history. America drew together religions from around the world, was transformed …show more content…
by them, and proceeded to transform them. Catholicism and Judaism are ancient faiths allowed to flourish in a religiously diverse democracy. It was an experience novel to both groups, and both have experienced trouble in their years in America, alongside with new freedoms and the growth of modern American expressions of what it means to be a Catholic and Jew. In Protestants the largest sect is Baptism, which originated in Europe but flourished exponentially in America, especially in the South America, among both blacks and whites. Besides many Christian movements from Europe and England that reestablished themselves early in the nation 's history, a small number of religious sects arose independently in the United States, including Mormons and Shakers. Will the same happen to Islam in America? Post Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, the controversy over the intended Park 51 community center in NY City is only one of the examples of opposition to Islamic centers and mosques in the United States of America. Existing and proposed mosque sites across the country have been targeted for vandalism and other criminal acts, and there have been efforts to block or deny necessary zoning permits for the construction and expansion of other facilities. Despite the fact that terrorism has no religion and the 1st amendment of the constitution, the influence of Christianity has dictated the functioning of states.
The influence of Religion dictates the empowering of head of the state/nation. A research by national election studies into the Latino community, which is contended as understudied in terms of religious affiliation and its affect on the partnership with the community, shows that the classification of Latinos as catholic or non-catholic is faulty. Moreover, it found that religion was of significant influence on Latinos. Religion’s role in social and ethnic groups has an impact on the political identity formation and, hence, the voting pattern in the United States. Obama 's personal religion became a subject of debate and speculation during the election campaign in 2008, when opponents suggested that Obama was either a Muslim because of his father 's heritage or a racist Christian. During the campaign, Obama was ultimately forced to separate himself fully from the pastor, and he resigned his 20-year membership at Trinity. Although religion and the state are formally separated, religious expression is an important aspect of public and political life. Nearly every President has professed some variety of Christian faith. One of the most significant religious trends in recent years has been the rise of evangelical and fundamentalist sects of Christianity. I did not anticipate the strange ways religion influences the society in continuing to put its imprint on our shared political life so much that it would not have been Obama had he been proved as Muslim.
Influence of domineering religion in sports gives no choice for minorities.
The legendry boxer - Mohammed Ali - sparked outrage by speaking out against integration of blacks and whites and many other controversial topics such as the Vietnam War. He gained further notoriety when he refused to enlist after being drafted for the war, citing that it was against his beliefs. He was later charged and convicted of draft evasion and stripped of his boxing titles and license in 1967. Born as Chris Wayne Jackson, Abdul Rauf, a point guard in the NBA from 1990-2001, was drafted by the Denver Nuggets in 1990 and converted to Islam a year later. He sparked controversy when he began protesting the playing of "The Star-Spangled Banner" before games during the 1995-96 season. After refusing to stand for the song, claiming it was a sign of nationalistic worship that went against his beliefs; Rauf was suspended by the league in March 1996. His actions sparked negative attention from fans and fellow athletes. Rauf, however, claimed that he was simply exercising his rights of freedom of speech and religion. Decades old tradition of having prayers before the game has been challenged, as football game in Michigan state university was banned by American civil liberty union (ACLU) alleging that it is a violation of establishment clause and the religious freedom clause of the first amendment, adding that the student or faculty lead prayers will alienate those who do not believe. Local football coach after a ban on student lead prayers on the football field says “we do not have problem with freedom of religion, but if 98% of students want to and 2% do not then do not interrupt the 98% who do”. It is not him, but the influence of majority is dictating those words out of a citizen of a democratic
Despite the separation of state and church, and the saying that ‘Religion Is Losing Influence in U.S.’, studies show that there has still been the influence of religion in all aspects of the life of Americans.
Nigel, Barber. “Why Religion Rules American Politics.” The Huffington. The Huffington post, 20 July 2012. Web. 06 Nov. 2013. .
Diane, Winston. “Americans Say Religion is “Losing Influence”.” Religion Dispatches. Religion Dispatches 2013, 29 May 2013. Web. 06 Nov. 2013. .
Meredith, Jessup. “POLL: 77% SEE DECLINING RELIGIOUS INFLUENCE IN AMERICA.” The Blaze. The Blaze, 29 May 2013. Web. 06 Nov. 2013. .
“Map - Nationwide Anti-Mosque Activity.” American civil liberties union. American civil liberties union, Web. 06 Nov. 2013. .