Hum10 / A4
Ms. Bantay
Part 1 :
1. What is Ahimsa? Why did Gandhi say that it is always equated to truth? Explain briefly your point. Ahimsa is an act of achieving things without violence involved. Violence is an act of hurting or harming people. And I think ahimsa can be achieved by always telling the truth. Lying is one of the factors that can start a violent situation among people and I think being honest to other people is the key for a peaceful surrounding. Do you think that telling a lie to someone has a happy ending? Have you heard a story that started with a lie and didn't have any complications at the end? Telling lies always end up badly and most of the time being lied to is one of the things that triggers people to be violent towards someone. So that’s why Gandhi equated ahimsa to truth.
2. Explain the idea : “the practice of ahimsa teaches one the art of dying” Let’s be realistic, not all people can practice ahimsa. So if one decides to practice ahimsa as a way of living, one must be ready to die and appreciate the “art of dying”. People become violent because of their fears. When one practices ahimsa, one must overcome all of their fears and one of those fears is to die. People become violent to each other because they are afraid to die, right? They fight for their lives. But if you want practice ahimsa you have to learn to overcome this fear of dying for you to not be violent. Even losing something or someone is also a fear that should be disregarded. That’s why ahimsa teaches one the art of dying because if one is afraid to die then he or she would be violent at some point in life.
3. Compare and contrast Benigno and Gandhi.
Benigno and Gandhi had their differences and similarities. Benigno and Gandhi had this perspective that peace can be attained by non-violent acts. Benigno and Gandhi believing in this perspective made them somehow the same. They both had done hunger strikes. They were both good people and only wanted