Evangelization is the primary reason for the existence of Catholic Schools (PCP II, 628) following the command to “Make disciples of all nations… Teach them to carry out everything I have commanded you” (Mt. 28-19-20)
Evangelization is the total mission of the Catholic Church in bringing the Good News of salvation to all strata of humanity, and through its influence, transforming humanity from within and making it new (Evangelii Nuntiandi 18).
Religious Education is an academic and systematic subject, in so far as it is a legitimate discipline taught in the school and is ordered towards a broader goal of integral education. It is serving the goal of
Catechesis that is “to bring people, not only in touch, but in intimacy, in communion with the person of Jesus Christ.” Beyond instructing the faith, it should also help its learners develop skills necessary for a life of discipleship.
The thrust of Notre Dame of Marbel University is making Religious Education as the Core of the Curriculum. Essentially, it means the bringing about of the synthesis of faith and culture, the integration of Faith and Life.
In the hope to make Religious Education a potent means of Evangelization to the young people of today, R.E. needs to provide its students with more opportunities to supplement their learning experience in the classroom – opportunities for practical application of their study in actual life in the context of a Christian Community. Hence, the creation of R.E pastoral Integration Program. This program will engage the students in an actual integration of the Gospel message and life praxis, so as to develop them as Young Evangelizers. To quote Article 650 of the Second Plenary Council of the Philippines, “THE GREATEST RESOURCE OF THE CHURCH FOR EVANGELIZATION ARE THE YOUNG PEOPLE OF THE