Relocating Low-to-Medium Tech Manufacturing Activities to Developing Countries: Empirical Analysis of Taiwanese and South Korean Manufacturing Outsourcing to Bangladesh
Md. Mamunur Rashid1and Md. Samim Al-Azad2
Abstract: The aim of this study is to examine the objectives and factors influencing the offshore outsourcing decision of manufacturing firms from emerging countries to developing countries like Bangladesh. The theoretical framework is developed with three categories of factors namely reduce operating cost, improve company focus, and access to world class capability. This is an exploratory study based on survey method. The data collected through a survey questionnaires from a total of 227 Taiwanese (131) and Korean manufacturing firms (96) operating in Bangladesh. The findings are analyzed using a statistical software package (SPSS). The main tools used are factor analysis, correlation analysis and linear regression analysis. The findings reveal that some factors like capital investment, fixed cost, entering new (third) markets, and access to local capabilities, invention and innovation influence Taiwanese and Korean low and mid-tech manufacturing firm’s outsourcing decision to low labor cost country like Bangladesh with preferential access to the developed country markets for manufacturing goods. Keywords: Offshore outsourcing, manufacturing firms, exploratory approach, developing country
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He have presented his research findings in international conferences and published in peer reviewed journals including Global Journal of Strategies and Governance and the International Journal of Business and Management. Md. Samim Al-Azad is a PhD candidate of the Graduate School of Business at Seoul National University, South Korea. He worked as a Lecturer of Business School at Prime University, Bangladesh and MIS officer at BRAC dealing with projects funded by the UNDP and WHO. He has published in Journal of Global Business Administration and Global Journal of Strategies and Governance. His research interest areas are IT outsourcing, knowledge management, and electronic and mobile business. Contact Information Md. Mamunur Rashid, Email: md-mamunur.rashid.1@ulaval.ca. Md. Samim Al-Azad, Email: samim@snu.ac.kr. 29