About the development of remediation in community college, the author named Shults point out that every community college in the survey offered at least
one remedial course. Among remediation, math, reading and writing were offered by 94-96 percent of the institutions, while science, English as a second language (ESL) were less offered (Shults, 2000). The report shows that the highest percentage of students studied in remedial courses was in the Southwest and at least 27 percent of their students take at least one remedial course. In academic year 1996-97 independent community colleges had more full-time faculty (76 percent) than part-time faculty, while public community colleges had a majority of part-time faculty ( 66 percent) (Phillippe and Patton, 2000). What is more, twenty percent of institutions required that full-time faculty should training specific to remedial courses before teach. About credit earned, the report shows that the majority of institutions offered institutional credit for all courses, just a little institutions offered degree credit even offered no credit.
About assessment/ placement, results shows that college entrance exam score was most commonly used to assess student, which decided students need to required remediation or not. Of course, high school grade point average and advanced-placement scores also applied for assessing. Furthermore, the majority of institution (58 percent) mandate assessment of all students, and 75 percent of these require placement based on the test (Shults, 2000). For exit remedial coursework, the majority of institutions use own remedial assessment test to decide whether student could leave remedial course. Consequently, argument appears in assessment of remediation. Some people think that student possible retake the assessment test and it could result in unfairness on scores. At the meantime, a large number of reports show that the institution should restrict students to take per course, semester, or year. About location of remediation, the three ways of subject areas, through a separate department and through one academic department were offered remedial courses to provide student learn.
This article mentions that provision of contracted remedial courses to business and industry exists in many community college. So employer and worker could enroll in remediation to pursue certificate or degree to meet work needs. In the last part of article, Shults also suggest that the remedial courses need to increase the number of remedial-specific service for student (Shults, 2000). What is more, the faculty should be required to obtain professional training to remedial education before teaching.
In my opinion, this article covered new areas about contracted remedial courses in community college. It make me to rethink the remedial courses not only effect to students also to employer. What is more, the author named Shults mentioned some methods to improve the positive function of remediation like hiring and training faculty before allow them to teach in remedial courses. Advocating the fairness of assessment and trying to exempt student from remedial courses. Those above-mentioned measurements will be useful for my final paper, which talk about how to make remediation more positive for student.