With the recent news that Singapore might be building a nuclear power plant, Citizens' Consultative Committee (CCCs) are in favour of encouraging the public to support the build of nuclear power plant. CCCs are at the apex of all grassroots organisation. A vital bridge between the people and the Government, we plan and lead major grassroots activities. In this case, we aim to educate elderly, homemakers and primary students, raising their awareness of nuclear power. And also, to clear their doubts and fear of nuclear energy.
One biggest barrier which obstruct the public from supporting nuclear power plant is the exaggeration of nuclear energy from media such as nuclear related Sci-Fi films and the recent Japan nuclear crisis. (Data on films and Japan news...........films/comics affect kids, others affect adult) Due to the overstated cons of nuclear energy, people draw back the idea of building nuclear plant, so that they would not put their lives at stake. However, the actual positive effects of nuclear energy far more outweigh it's negative impacts on people. Thus, it is CCCs' responsibility to transform general public's false impression on nuclear and inculcate them with the right knowledge. This way, people will have the correct judgment when it comes to nuclear energy.
[Pros of nuclear energy]
First and foremost, we got to address public's concern and inform them the variety of pros regarding nuclear energy. ( Support with evi)
(Disadvantages of other natural resources)
[Plans, How are they beneficial] (Media part)
In a High-Tech society like Singapore, mass media has a profound influence on people of all ages and from different works of life. Considering the effectiveness of media outreach, we have come out with serval plans to raise people's awareness. (Plans and explanations)