Noor Zakira binti Zulrimi
Chemical Engineering Department
University of Malaya
50603 Kuala Lumpur
Water pollution from batik industry is a serious problem owing to the toxicity effect of wax, resin, sodium silicate and various types of dyes. Economical and efficient treatments are necessary for batik wastewater before it is discharged out. While treatment of dyes and chemicals are already available such as adsorption and membrane, it is observed that the presence of wax and resin can hinder the efficiency of dye removal using conventional technique. A study was initiated for the recovery of wax and resin using a baffle tank, a reboiling technique, then further by adding up of hydrochloric acid (HCL) and acetic acid after first boiling of wastewater. The efficiency of removal was studied using single and combined dyes. Studies on the effect of temperature, pH, cooling time, and acid added were done to determine the optimum efficiency on wax removal of both baffle tank and reboiling technique. From the study, it was found that treatment of batik wastewater using reboiling technique, after the 4th boil, give highest amount of wax and resin removal compared to the baffle tank and reboiling technique added with acid. However, the time needed for the wax to cool off in the baffle tank is shorter than of the reboiling technique. As short period of time was taken to treat the wastewater, it is timesaving as well as economical for the batik industry. Addition of acid to the reboiling technique, besides showing least efficiency, is costly for the batik wastewater treatment. As a conclusion, it can be said that the removal of wax using baffle tank technique proves to be the most efficient method of wax removal due to the time saving virtue. However, because of the cost needed to fund a baffle tank, the stated method comes with certain reservations.
Keywords: Batik effluent, wax removal,