Tuesday 15:30-17:20 / Friday 15:30-16:20
Instructor: Hivren Demir-Atay
Office Hours: M 9:30 / T 15:30-17:30 / W 16:30-17:30
Office: Y 212
Course Description:
In an attempt to identify the fundamental characteristics of English Renaissance drama, this course will provide the students with an overview of Shakespeare’s contemporaries. Starting with the changes that the Italian Renaissance brought to Europe and arriving at the Restoration period, we will examine historical and cultural context of English Renaissance drama. Through close readings of Thomas Kyd’s The Spanish Tragedy, Christopher Marlowe’s Doctor Faustus, and Thomas Dekker’s The Shoemaker’s Holiday, we will discuss the destruction of preconceptions and the formation of a new understanding of human, city, life, theatre, stage as well as the struggles revolving around these changes. Exploring the sources and influences of different genres such as tragedy, comedy, and historical plays, we will endeavor to contextualize English Renaissance drama in the history of English literature.
Mid-term Exam 40 %
Final Exam 60 %
Both in mid-term and final exams you will be asked to write essays and answer short questions..
Course Material:
All readings are available in the course package. You are expected to come to classes having done the readings
Tentative Schedule and Readings:
Week 1 (12 – 15 February)
Introduction to English Renaissance Drama: Historical and Cultural Context
Week 2 (19 – 22 February)
Thomas Kyd, The Spanish Tragedy, Act I
Week 3 (26 February – 1 March)
Thomas Kyd, The Spanish Tragedy, Act II
Week 4 (5 - 8 March)
Thomas Kyd, The Spanish Tragedy, Act III
Week 5 (12 - 15 March)
Thomas Kyd, The Spanish Tragedy, Act IV
Week 6 (19 – 22 March)
Christopher Marlowe, The Tragedy of Doctor Faustus, Act I
Week 7 (26 – 29