During the Renaissance period, ideas and beliefs changed significantly. The focus became on humanism, individualism, and secular ideas. Humanism attached the greatest importance to the dignity and worth of the individual. This entirely new way of thinking began to circulate at this time, and the church lost much of its influence. The music lost its rigid meter count and became directly connected to humanity through phrases, textures, and the text. The focus shifted from God to man. This change would give way to the individual and his achievements allowing one to live up to their full potential. Secular ideas revolved around things of this world. The attitudes of humanism and respect for the individual and for independent thought and interests in learning about the world brought science inquiry that led to the development of the sciences, arts, and philosophical concepts. People saw this life as worth living to its fullest, not just as preparation for the next world. During this time, new opportunities came about to travel and trade leading to exposure to different cultures. This…
1. A) The first professional published female composer was a woman by the name of Madalena Casulana. Madalena was upper social class, because she was born into an aristocratic family in Venice, Italy. The type of music she was most known for publishing consisted of madrigals; composition of three to four unaccented voices written in vernacular text and used word painting to highlight mood and meaning. B) The foundation of choreographed dance that enabled women’s professional involvement differs from the Consort of Ladies in that the Consort of Ladies was a group of professional singers that entertained the courts. (102 Words)…
The Renaissance started in the 1400s; this time of culture took place in all of Europe. During this time art and literature had flourished. Artists had been at their best during the high renaissance which was during the 1500’s. During this time people had used oil on canvas for the first time. These techniques gave more details and depth to the painting. This was called perspective. The Mona Lisa was a world renowned painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. It was a painting of his wife even though she was not very special historically. This painting was so popular that it had set the standard for all other paintings of that time. Another painting that Leonardo painted was “The Last Supper “was Jesus with his disciples eating. This painting had amazing…
Who were the Poor Clares? Why is it somewhat surprising that they were accomplished musicians? They were nuns in the Catholic Church. Its was a surprise because they were nuns and wasn’t expected to be great musicians.…
o start of by talking about the early Renaissance Art, the definition is that Renaissance “was a period when scholars and artists began to investigate what they believed to be revival of classical learning, literature and art”. The first painting that caught my eyes while reading chapter twelve was the Deposition. This piece was painted by Rogier van der Weyden. The reason why I really liked this piece was because it was a very meaningful piece about Christ. The Deposition is a painting of the removal of Christ’s body from the cross. According to the book, this artwork was very popular in the fifteenth century because of it’s potential for a dramatic, personally engaging portrayal. The book also says that Jesus’ friends seem noticeably real,…
one cantata a week while he was music director at Leipzig. Due to the pace…
Throughout history, art has been used to depict events, traditions, and beliefs. The usage of such principles of art is prevalent during the Gothic age, transitioning to the Renaissance period. Artist across Europe were influenced by the distinct styles of the two time periods, and it is apparent in many sculptures and paintings by famous artists such as Giotto and Michelangelo. The two consecutive art eras, are based around religion and the church; many of the paintings and sculptures that are staple pieces of the Gothic age and Renaissance period are either architecture, paintings, or sculptures used for religious purposes.…
Music is the heart of culture and has affected people in more ways than the average person can have on someone. It can take you on a journey or help bring closure to a(n) ending journey. Music has always done this through the changes in time and the persona behind the music. Music will always grasp the changing culture 's heart based on the time period. Baroque music is different from what today 's culture would call popular music. The role of music concerts is also something to be studied further in the paper as well. People who attended Baroque concerts may very well differ from the people who attend today 's rock concerts. Then we cannot forget the impact that technology has had on music of the past and the present.…
The events in Europe during the 16th and 17th centuries contributed to the culture and society of the 18th century by helping build up people’s understanding of the world by ensuing the enlightenment. Unfortunately, The events of the 16th and 17th century also greatly contributed to terror on a global scale through the wars of the 1700s.…
2. The Peterhof is the estate of Peter the Great, in St.Petersburg Russia. Bartolomeo Rastrelli models it. This building was key symbol of the era.…
Political and religious events such as the Protestant Reformation formed the styles of composed music, methods of publicizing music, and new musical genres. The most important music of the Renaissance era were compositions composed…
Music and dance were the biggest forms of entertainment during the Renaissance. People would sing and play an instrument for fun so, it became a part of everyday life.…
In general, music did have some relation to the Reformation/Counter-Reformation. According to the rules of the Council of Trent, art should be free from sin and should bring one closer to the church and the love of god. The music in the Baroque seems to have its own interpretations of this. While music does not attempt to bring one closer to the love of god, it most certainly tries to…
-He painted a scene that would normally be reserved for something religious and was highly controversial during the time. He took a step that went against the bourgeois values by not caring about the class definitions that were socially acceptable. He painted something that he “shouldn’t” have, but it brought him instant fame.…
The Baroque period existed through the 1600’s to the 1750’s which was a time for European art, music and culture. The characteristics of the Baroque music which make it distinctive and noticeable are its melodies, rhythm and texture: this devised one single feeling or mood throughout the piece, a balance of chordal harmonies and a rhythmic drive.…