Renal neoplasms can be benign or malignant (Nogueras, Thomas, & Porter, 2015). It can also be considered as primary or secondary. Primary malignancies spread through the lymph nodes and blood …show more content…
Treatment for renal neoplasm is primarily total or practical nephrectomy with or without regional lymphadenectomy if no metastatic disease is present.
Follow up
The role of primary care provider in the treatment process of renal tumors are supportive care (Nogueras, Thomas, & Porter, 2015). The focus should be on any additional problems that are not related to the cancer. For example, counseling patient regarding grief, death and dying, body image changes and quality of life.
Coping and support
Coping with cancer diagnosis is different for each individual, once the shock and fear begin to subside, finding ways to cope with daily challenges of the cancer treatment and recovery is very important (Mayo Clinic, 2015). Several important strategies to include during patient educations to cope the disease:
Learn about kidney cancer to feel more comfortable making treatment decisions, such as learning about the disease. National cancer institute is a great resource (Mayo Clinic,