According to Barry J Harkrider the popular usage of social networks is having a great effect on healthcare. Social
According to Barry J Harkrider the popular usage of social networks is having a great effect on healthcare. Social
One specific mode of communication utilized by health care workers and consumers alike is electronic health records (EHR). We will discuss the benefits of this method of communication for the consumer, how it assists in maintaining patient confidentiality, the effectiveness of the EHR for communication between providers and the consumer, and how this method of communication differs from others. We will also discuss how media and social networking might change communication in health care. For many years the health care industry has used a paper method for recording medical information. This method of communication is outdated,…
Many organizations have chosen to use this as a benefit to their companies. Sites such as Facebook and LinkedIn can be used to relay news and help to expand their business. These forms of networking may also help an organization to improve, since comments can be left by patrons. Valuable information can be found on these sites as well. Patients may also use these sites to communicate with other patients about past experiences at that facility or to get general information. This can be an important aspect, since many people like to get feedback before choosing a healthcare facility to go to.…
Patient privacy has been a major issue within the healthcare field for many years. With the increasing use of medical information technology more and more people are being authorized to view patient health information. Not only do physicians and nurses have access; but this has broadened to include allied health professionals, billing specialists, quality assurance employees, social workers, medical records technicians etc... (Pendrak & Ericon, 1998). All of these healthcare professionals have a duty to take any steps necessary to protect the patient 's right to privacy when it comes to their health information.…
Social media poses threat to all health care environments, if not used appropriately. I agree that the inappropriate use of social media does violate the code of ethics, the healthcare facilities policy and HIPPA. The inappropriate use of social media can range from posting information on a patient’s condition to checking Facebook instead of giving a patient insulin when their glucose levels are in the 200+ range. The use of social media at the workplace continues to pose a distraction to employees. Within the nursing practices studies have shown that social media has “the potential to cause distractions and interruptions. Several studies have implicated technology as a contributing factor in causing distractions and interruptions among nurses.…
Erickson and Millar (2005) sated “As nurses, we need to balance patient safety and treatment with respect for privacy. If you must choose, always choose patient…
Within the nursing practice, confidentiality is crucial to form the nurse-patient relationship. Among the rights we are assured, privacy and confidentiality are considered paramount. It is the health care provider’s duty to ensure this right is respected and upheld. Knowing that they can trust their health care provider enables a patient to give thorough and accurate information in order to receive the best and most adequate care available. Betrayal of this trust can have severe implications on the patient’s health and mode of treatment. Because of this patient confidentiality has…
Plain communication failures have been revealed to cause medical errors, duplicating imaging and testing, and generally unfortunate care organization. Physicians-to-physicians communication in and out of the hospital has been unpredictable or absent. Furthermore, physician-to-physician communication has been missing in terms of steadiness, suitability, and immediacy. Social networks could possibly expand communication by creating everlasting channels (network connections) amongst several doctors and between doctors and the patients. Communication amongst doctors might be developed through extensive contribution in online physician group of people. Astonishingly, a current survey by Manhattan Research found that 60% of doctors are now using, or are captivated in consuming, online doctor societies.…
References: Sarringhuas, M. M. (Jul/Aug 2011). THE Great Divide: Social Media 's Role in Bridging Healthcare. Journal of Helathcare Management, 56(4), 235-244.…
Even so, as I read the article From E.T.Net to Social Media: Nurses Communicating Online, I came to realize something that is unobtrusively true, even then. Let me quote a piece of the article. It goes:…
Though patients have the responsibility to provide their health care providers with the information necessary for their care, they have the right to confidentiality of any of such information from demographic data to sensitive personal information. Mehnke (2010) explains that there is the need to review policies on privacy and confidentiality to achieve optimal results. He further explains that, the day to day life of health workers from the common copy machine, to trash, to hallway conversation, discussion in elevators and cafeteria poses challenges to patient confidentiality. Also the pressure from friends and close family members of patients to know the progress of their loved ones which may or may not include disclosure of patient information is a major hurdle. Regardless of the challenges all what the patient expects from healthcare providers is for their right to privacy and confidentiality to be respected. This helps patient to seek help when needed and to freely discuss their problems with their care givers. It is the client’s expectation that that bond is never broken without their consent unless required by…
In addition to facilitating communication regarding patient health information, this modality of communication also enables health care providers to market products to patients. Even though e-mail has come a long way toward advancing health care communications, technology is ever-changing and media and the advancement and use of social networking sites by health care facilities has further changed how the health care community uses e-mail communications. Even with all the changes that have come about through the introduction of e-mail communications, health care is, and should remain a personalized field, and must not allow technology to distance health care providers from their patients.…
Social technologies are affecting the way our world operates as they become more and more established and interconnected. Individuals are using Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and a wide variety of other forms of social media to communicate, connect, and share. The way many communicate with their family, friends, employers, and strangers has changed as social media has as well. Individuals can have closer contacts with those who live far away and stay up to date with those who they many not see everyday. As well as individuals ability to communicate more than they ever have before, the way they do things is changed due to social media and mobile technologies. More specifically, social…
Consumer testimonials are extremely important for any business to establish a reputation for credibility and quality on the Internet. This is because patients rely on other patients for advice and direction. Therefore, social media allows health care organizations to connect patients with each other through social media platforms. This benefits current patients, who are able to share their story, and potential patients, who are able to obtain helpful guidance.…
Nursing, like any other profession, requires clear regulatory principles to guide nurses on their practice. The code of ethics and conduct for nurses and midwives is a major tool in the safeguarding of the public’s health and wellbeing. In regulating nursing practice, the code of ethics and conduct act as a framework for judging the fitness to practice of individual registered nurses whenever their practice is questionable (Goldsmith 2011, p. 12). They outline the minimum standards that nurses and midwives should uphold. The code also serves as a framework for professionally and legally responsible and accountable nursing practice.…
The guidelines have been development by the nursing council, to give advice to nurses about how to use social media and electronic communication correctly. (NCNZ, 2012) RN Abb had made a mistake with a patient, which became very stressful from the whole experience. He went onto his social media page and wrote, that he was not in fault about the trouble of hearing the patient’s blood pressure. This is a breach of the Mr B’s privacy and confidentiality. Nurses must follow ethical and legal responsibility to maintain their patients’ confidentiality. This applies to any form of online using, this means communication is with other nurses, friends on your social network, and to the public in a form of a blog. Being anonymous about patients online is no excuse for breaching confidentiality. (NZNO 2012) When RN Abb wrote on his social media page he did not respect his patient’s privacy by disclosing what had happened. In the guideline of social media by the NCNZ (2012) they talk about a principle 5 called respecting the privacy and confidentiality of the health consumer. Under this is standards, the standard that RN Abb did not follow is 5.8 “Maintain health consumers’ confidentiality and privacy by not discussing health consumers, or practice issues in public places including social media. Even when no names are used a health consumer could be…