I like to think of the movie "The Matrix" for example. Do you really exist or are you a figment of a god or a machine? Are the things around you really there, or a trick of the matrix? Do your eyes really see what you think they see? How about your ears, nose, or fingers? All of these things can be doubted. He wanted to prove that there must be some way to know, beyond doubt, that we really do exist, and are not just figments of our imagination. He realized that we can only know for sure that we exist if we are able to think about whether or not we exist. In addition, to why he wrote 'I think, therefore I am'. Humans are sentient beings. Descartes, Rene.Chapter 23 The Scientific Revolution and the New Learning.Print). He believed that humans are born with distinctive logic and mathematical knowledge for example. He said it is not set in stone but we are born with it. It is an inherent part of our well-being. In the time of Descartes, philosophers were split into two traditions: the rationalists and the empiricists. The empiricists held that humans are born with a clean slate and all our knowledge is gained from experience. Descartes was a rationalist who believed that God placed knowledge in us as rational beings for nature has no intelligence in it and something cannot give what it doesn’t have. Therefore he believed that God is what placed logic in us (Stanford
I like to think of the movie "The Matrix" for example. Do you really exist or are you a figment of a god or a machine? Are the things around you really there, or a trick of the matrix? Do your eyes really see what you think they see? How about your ears, nose, or fingers? All of these things can be doubted. He wanted to prove that there must be some way to know, beyond doubt, that we really do exist, and are not just figments of our imagination. He realized that we can only know for sure that we exist if we are able to think about whether or not we exist. In addition, to why he wrote 'I think, therefore I am'. Humans are sentient beings. Descartes, Rene.Chapter 23 The Scientific Revolution and the New Learning.Print). He believed that humans are born with distinctive logic and mathematical knowledge for example. He said it is not set in stone but we are born with it. It is an inherent part of our well-being. In the time of Descartes, philosophers were split into two traditions: the rationalists and the empiricists. The empiricists held that humans are born with a clean slate and all our knowledge is gained from experience. Descartes was a rationalist who believed that God placed knowledge in us as rational beings for nature has no intelligence in it and something cannot give what it doesn’t have. Therefore he believed that God is what placed logic in us (Stanford