You may have decided to purchase renter’s insurance in the past for one of many reasons. It could have been very cheap to add on with an existing auto insurance policy, or you simply wanted the peace of mind of knowing your belongings are safe no matter what. That said, there may be at time where you actually want to use your renter’s insurance. Here are some common questions you may have about your policy.
Can You Use Renter’s Insurance During A Power Outage?
While a power outage may seem relatively harmless to your home or apartment, the biggest damage it can cause is spoiling food in your refrigerator or freezer. While it is best to keep those items cool by not opening the doors or using dry ice, …show more content…
One thing to keep in mind is if your food is worth more than your deductible. With renter’s insurance deductibles typically being around $500 to $1,000, you may not even have that much money worth of food to justify a claim.
In addition, you may be able to use renter’s insurance to cover your costs to stay in a hotel. This is typically only covered if you cannot live in your home at the time of the power outer, due to the home being damaged or incredibly cold temperature and having electric heat.
Can You Use Renter’s Insurance To Cover Pet Damage?
If you left your dog at home to discover that they created a lot of damage in your absence, you are not totally out of luck. Some renter’s insurance policies will cover damage caused by pets. This could include replacing or fixing damaged furniture, carpet cleaning for stains they created, and even replacing that big screen TV that they knocked over.
Since this is not typically standard coverage for a renter’s insurance policy, make sure you have the coverage added before you get your pet.
Can You Use Renter’s Insurance For Items In